Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin
BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Club Penguin is at the centre of the army community but there are some facts you may or may not have known about the original Club Penguin that you may just find interesting.

1. The Beta Hat
The original beta hat wasn’t actually meant to be a special item. In fact, because of its plain design the artist thought that nobody would particularly want it apart from a small minority. However, it went on to be the special beta hat we all know it as now.

2. The Original Club Penguin Times Design Took Over 100 Hours To Complete
We all know the Club Penguin Times as the newspaper that appears in the corner of your screen whether you like it or not. It normally provides some fun news stories surrounding the world of the game. However, the original design of the newspaper took over 100 hours to complete. This is a lot of time and was mainly because it only had one artist.

3. Club Penguin Had Its Own DS and WII Game
Yes, you heard it right. Long before Club Penguin Private Servers were a thing, Club Penguin was a growing franchise that also had a Wii and DS games. The most notable game was Club Penguin Elite Force which was on the Nintendo DS (2008) but just 2 years after this release, two more games were released. Club Penguin Game Day (Wii) and Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force: Herbert’s Revenge(DS) were both released in 2010, the latter being a sequel to the first DS game

4. Club Penguin Had Its Own TV Specials
While its rival, Moshi Monsters, is known for having a movie, Club Penguin never did get to have its own fame in the cinemas. However, it did have three television specials. The first of the three was titled Wish You a Merry Walrus, this was released in late 2014. Following the seasonal theme, they also aired a summer and Halloween special in 2015 which gained the attention of many fans.

5. The Christmas Party Name Change
Upon its release, the seasonal party which was held near December was titled ‘The Christmas Party’. However, the game was accessed by a plethora of people from different religions, backgrounds and countries all over the world. It’s because of this and the fact that they didn’t want to offend or neglect anyone that they renamed it to the ‘Holiday Party’.

6. Rumours of Club Penguin’s Closure
Despite Club Penguin not shutting down until 2017, in 2011 there were many rumours about Club Penguin shutting down, leaving many fans worried about the future of the game. However, these rumours turned out to be false. But it wasn’t entirely made up. Fans were right to be worried at the time because Club Penguin’s domain expired which undoubtedly led many to think about the future of the game. The fans’ concerns, however, let Disney know how beloved Club Penguin actually was though.

7. The Removal Of Numbers
As everyone is aware, most, if not all games have some sort of chat filter which blocks out any bad language. In the original Club Penguin game players were allowed to type in numbers and be able to send a message with numbers in easily. However, the addition of the chat filter saw the filtering of numbers too. This meant that while bad words were being filtered, other things were also being filtered.

8. Club Penguins High Revenue
The Club Penguin game was played by people all over the world. The game was loved by everyone which is why the closure came as a shock to the entire world. Despite the game shutting down, its revenue was estimated to be over 50 million dollars.

9. Runaway Puffles
Puffles often become a big part of a penguin’s identity and life as people choose puffles based on their colour or even their personality. Whilst some people like to keep their puffles in their igloos, many chose to explore the virtual world with them and even bring them to army battles. However, sometimes people would forget about their puffles and leave them in their igloos. If a puffle didn’t receive enough food, playtime or sleep it would run off into the wild. The owner wouldn’t be able to get it back but they could go to the Pet Shop to buy another one, but you don’t really want your first running away from you even if it didn’t matter

10. Humble Beginnings
Before Club Penguin was even acknowledged as ‘Club Penguin’ it was developed as a game called ‘Snow Blasters’. The game was originally created to be a snowball warfare-style game that everyone could play. The creator wanted tactical snowball battles/fights to take place on the game but also for players to have the ability to build their own forts. Despite everyone knowing the game as Club Penguin, today, Snow Blasters even had its own website with its own set of game features. The design of the game was planned and processed however the website was never released to the public. Snow Blasters then wandered into the realm of Experimental Penguins and Penguin Chat. With Experimental Penguins, each player could create their own penguin, chat with others and explore the virtual world. It was released in the year 2000 but this game evolved into Penguin Chat the following year. This didn’t last long either but developed into Penguin Football Chats in 2003. This was the second attempt at the penguin-themed MMORPG, using the same interface as Experimental Penguins. The game also included mini-games from their previous game ‘Ballistic Biscuit’. Despite all of this, Club Penguin wasn’t actually created until Penguin Chat had reached its fourth version of the game – this was later renamed to Club Penguin.

There you have it, 10 facts you may or may not have known about the original Club Penguin game.
Did YOU know any of these facts? Do you know any other facts about Club Penguin that weren’t mentioned? Let us know in the comments!
50th Commander In Chief and Shamrock Bulletin Administrator

Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, Shamrock Bulletin | Tagged: Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Ballistic Biscuit, Beta Hat, Chat Filter, clover defenders, clover penguins, clover trooper, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Club Penguin Elite Force, Club penguin facts, Club Penguin Game Day, Club Penguin Shutdown, Club Penguin Times, Club Penguins High Revenue, Coolguy, CP, CPPS, DS, Elite Penguin Force: Herbert's Revenge, Experimental Penguins, Facts, Filter, Holiday Party, MMORPG, Moshi Monsters, Nintendo DS, OG CP, Penguin Chat, Penguin Football Chats, puffle, puffles, Rumours of Club Penguin's Closure, Runaway Puffles, Snow Blasters, Snowballs, The Christmas Party, The Christmas Party Name Change, The Removal Of Numbers, Top Ten Facts, TV Specials, WII, Wish You a Merry Walrus |
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