Moment of The Month: July

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to another Moment of The Month post. While June floated on by after a hard-fought World War, July came fast around the corner with some very special moments of its own.

The month of July saw a bit of peace after the World War, but around the corner was the Legends Cup. This could only mean one thing; it was tournament season once again. It’s no surprise to anyone that this month brought its own challenges as ACP aimed to reach the top of the Top Tens and to start strongly in the Legends Cup, but what were the top 3 moments of the month? Let’s find out!

3. Shamrock Bulletin Relaunches Mascot Trackers for CPPS’

The Shamrock Bulletin’s revival is a project that has been happening for more than just one month. It’s a movement that attempts to revive and maintain every part of the Shamrock Bulletin, from interviews to news, to cheats, and now to mascot trackers. In recent months, the Shamrock Bulletin posted new cheats for New Club Penguin, but this revival of mascot trackers also gave way to the creation of mascot trackers and cheats for other CPPS’s like Club Penguin Journey and Legacy.

2. Legends Cup XIII Commences

The Legends Cup is a tournament that was created by the Army of Club Penguin‘s own creator, Oagalthorp in 2010. However, despite him creating the tournament, ACP has never won it. This makes the Legends Cup a special tournament for ACP and one they always try their best to win. “Bring It Home” was the phrase coined by ACP to motivate the army to win the tournament for the first time in history. As the Legends Cup progressed, so did the month. The first battle was towards the end of the month, on July 22nd, against the Templars. Maxing 53 penguins, a massive amount for the army, the army won the battle and progressed onto the semi-finals as they prepared to take on the Elite Guardians on July 30th. This monumental moment led to our top moment of the month.

1. ACP breaks Triumvirate/Calgo’s Max Record in LC Semi-Finals

As another week went by, the semi-finals approached quickly, which would mean 1 thing, ACP would go head-to-head with the Elite Guardians in a heated semi-final battle. Both armies were hungry for the win, as they both had something to prove. However, there could only be one victor. The intensity of the battle led to there being four rooms which lasted 10 minutes each, making the battle 40 minutes overall. However, ACP came out on top and moved on to the finals after winning the overtime room. In the battle, the Triumvirate achieved the highest max under their leadership and under Calgo’s, a max of 61 penguins. Not only this, but it was the second time ever that ACP had progressed from the semi-finals and moved on to the finals in the Legends Cup.

And there we have it. It was a big month for the army, which would only lead to bigger moments happening in August. However, the moments of the month cannot be understated, as each of these moments had a big impact on the army, with each of them bringing great change to the army, the army’s history, and the army’s future.

What was your favorite moment of July? Do you agree with the top three moments? Make sure to comment what YOU think below!

Shamrock Bulletin Administrators

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