The Guardian Emeritus

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

We are only five months away from the Army of Club Penguin’s 17th anniversary. It will have been four years since I brought back this community and dusted off the spiderwebs with a brand new opening of our current Discord server. In those four years, the Clovers have accomplished so much. We’ve had many satisfactory victories, and disappointing losses, but more importantly than anything, we have cultivated a shining community.

The Re-opening

One of the many reasons I wanted to bring back this community is to correct any wrongs I felt, whether about my own duties or about the way we closed our doors alongside the shutdown of the original Club Penguin. In these past years, I have been at the leaders’ side and provided as much guidance as I possibly could. Sometimes it even got me into a little trouble. However, it must be said that without these chosen few, the Clovers would never have been able to succeed as much as it has. Chainpro, Koloway, CSY, Kailey310, Max, Cubster, FatChicken88, Jesus1_4, and Calgocubs21. Thank you all so much for pouring your heart into this place, a refuge that I consider very dear to my heart.

It is now, after countless hours of work, that I take a look inward, and entrust the current ranks to keep it going. It is no secret that I am of an older generation; the friends I made in my past are long gone, with Club Penguin being nothing more than a distant memory. My time is approaching as well.

Therefore, it is with some sadness (but mostly a feeling of satisfaction) that I hereby step down and relinquish my position as an active advisor in the Army of Club Penguin.

Never forget: keep those snowballs coming.


3 Responses

  1. This man deserves a third Medal of Honor! A true ACP Legend, dedicating so much to ACP. Happy retirement Mchappy, and for the last time, Green Together Family Forever!

  2. […] April 23, the Army of Club Penguin legend, Mchappy, announced his official retirement from the army, relinquishing all roles he was holding. However, despite this being a sad occasion […]

  3. […] AllowedBrutality of Penguins: Local Leader Creates Murder BusThe Future of ACP & LeadershipThe Guardian EmeritusAdvice From One Leader to AnotherOn This Day In 2014: April 8th17 Years of […]

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