Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

KLONDIKE, “Invasion of Freeland: Sub Zero”– Good afternoon ACP! This past Wednesday, our US division logged onto CPA Battleground in Klondike for an invasion of Sub Zero. We started off in the Cove where performed a variety of different tactics and successfully invaded Sub Zero. Thus our land control on the map increased up to 14! Huge shout out to Nicky for judging our invasion! After the successful invasion, we moved over to the Forest where we accidentally equipped the wrong sword which was the Stinky Sword instead of the Sword of Solitude. Then we moved our way over to the Coffee Shop in Town to grab a hot cup of coffee and warm up our troops to prevent them from getting a cold. Overall 17 troops showed up for our second invasion of the week despite the awful weather in-game!

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Thank you all for attending Wednesday’s invasion! Can’t wait to see you at our next event.

March on troops!


ACP 49th Commander in Chief

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