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[AUSIA] Hide and Seek Battle

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

ICE BREAKER, New Territory – We had an impromptu hide and seek battle with another fellow army on the second week of Mchappy Homecoming! In the end, we took the battle as a VICTORY because we won every single round of hide and seek. The Army of Club Penguin does not play around. Jokes aside, it was a really fun event and we hope to continue making fun memories during our Mchappy Homecoming events. Don’t miss out on them.

Max: 10

Congratulations to Bo and Marinatt for winning the Ninja role for being AMAZING hiders! Here is a winning screenshot in action:

Loads of Clovers were given out at this event due to our epic performance! If you haven’t done so yet, please make a Club Penguin Army Battleground account. For now that will continue to be our most used private server until we are able to figure out other plans. Also, comment below on what other activities you’d like to see occur during our random Mchappy Homecoming hours.

Keep those snowballs coming,


ACP Guardian

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