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CPRewritten: Music Jam 2021 – Full Guide

BLIZZARD. Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The newest party, the Music Jam 2021, has just hit the island on Club Penguin Rewritten. Join us to find out about the free items, mascot visits and decorated rooms.


Club Penguin Rewritten has just seen the arrival of its newest party: the Music Jam 2021. The party, which is expected to last at least a week, also sees the addition of the cruise ship!


Exclusive Rooms

From the Snow Forts. you can gain access to the Snack Shack.

Snack Shack

The Snack Shack can then be used to access the Snack Shack Backstage. In this room you can unlock the Sunset Beach Background by walking over to and clicking the camera on the left.

Snack Shack Backstage

The party also adds three rooms accessible from the Dock.

At the top of the room is the entrance to Casa Fiesta, a returning room from last year. This room is not currently accessible but will be added soon.

In the bottom left, however, you can head into the Cruise Pool room. This, the first of two cruise rooms, features two water slides with custom penguin animations!

Cruise Pool

Heading onwards to the left, you can move into the “Cruise Ship” room. This room features a full band of instruments, flashing lights and a Penguin Band soundtrack.

Cruise Ship

Daily Music Jam Merchandise

The new icon in the top right of your screen grants you access to an interface that will feature a new additional item each day! This is also where you can obtain your VIP pass that you need to enter the Cruise Ship!

This party has also brought with it the return of the “Music Catalog” in the Lighthouse!

Mascot Visits

The Penguin Band is expected to visit for this party and as always, those mascot visits will be tracked in the #mascot-tracker channel in our server.

Make sure to log on and experience this event for yourself before the party concludes!

What do YOU think? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

ACP Co-ordinator & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

2 Responses

  1. This party is bit underwhelming after all the hype IMP, but it’s is still a neat one!

  2. I love the decor of this party!! Especially the slides!! And meeting some mascots was fun :)))

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