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Penguin Vogue with Spotty

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to the second feature of Penguin Vogue, where we ask various members from our army about their uniform. The logic, emotions or just the memories behind what they wear. Today we’ll be interviewing local Higher Command member, and our very own cow Spotty!

Starting with the hair, Spotty told us why she wears the Flutterby:

Basically I’ve worn The Flutterby ever since orginal Club Penguin and it’s just been my favourite hair item ever since, as it matches with most outfits in game. I usually only change the hair when we have like a specific uniform for an event or during a fashion show. It may be the classic egirl hair but let’s just forget about that…

Next, what was the reason behind the White Diva Glasses:

Just like The Flutterby, i’ve used the White Diva Glasses since original Club Penguin. However I usually change this item more than my hair, sometimes during a big battle or war I change my face item to the green war paint or to the new cavemen eyebrows as they’re pretty cute ngl.

Around her neck, she wears the Scuba Tank:

The scuba tank is a fairly new edition to my outfit. As we all known, CPR’s catalogs are not the best and do not have many army themed items. When they released the scuba tank I decided that it would make the perfect edition to my outfit as it makes me look like less of a CPR local and also it’s green which matches our uniform.

For the Top, she wears the official Green Letterman Jacket:

As soon as the Green Letterman jacket was released it’s been the main part of my uniform. With the jacket currently being the main item of our classic uniform I decided to include this in my daily uniform as it shows up clearly as it is a nice gradient of green both in game and in preview.

A cute hand item for a not so cute Spotty, she uses the Happy Octopus Plushy:

The happy octopus plushie is the newest part of my uniform. Usually, I keep the happy plushie for all fun events, game meet-ups as it gives a bit of color to my uniform and it also reflects the mood of the event. Although whenever we are at war or in a battle I change it to the angry octopus.

For her feet, the Green Bunny Slippers:

The green bunny slippers give a different shade of green to my uniform. I used to use the green crocs however I decided those were a bit too bright as they were neon, whereas the slippers are more of a lighter and calmer green.

Finally, to finish off her amazing look, she uses the United Kingdom Flag for the pin and her background is the Sunset Flower Background:

I’ve had the sunset flower background pretty much since I joined CPR on this account last year. It makes my penguin stand out in the player card as the colours of the background aren’t similar colours on my penguin, which can sometimes be an issue. I particularly like this background as it has 3 of my favourite colours included in it in shades that I like. With the pin it’s pretty much just me representing the Brit gang in game, as tbh I only have like 5 pins anyway.

To finish off today’s interview, we asked Spotty the question “What role does a uniform play in an army?”. The following was her response:

Uniform obviously plays an essential part in armies, helping to make each army stand out whether that is during a battle, to differentiate between different armies or during a normal event going around the island. Uniforms also give each member the chance to show their own style with their little twists on the uniform.

It seems that Spotty truly likes being an e girl, and also repping the army uniform and color. Be sure to tune into our next feature, where we’ll ask another member their reasoning behind their uniform!

What do YOU think? Is Spotty’s uniform good? Or should some adjustments be made. Let us know YOUR thoughts in the comments down below!


ACP Colonel and Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

2 Responses

  1. Great post and interview Spotty!

  2. Hot outfit if I do say so myself

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