What does it really mean to defend freedom and preserve justice? It means speaking out and taking a stand even if your voice shakes.
Yesterday the CP Army HQ released their weekly Top Ten and crowned the Army of Club Penguin the first position ranking for the second consecutive week. We were very pleased with the result and proud that the hard work from many people within the army over the past seven days had paid off with the top ranking. A ranking and score that I was told had to be “triple checked” due to how close it was with the second placing army: the Ice Warriors. But following the release of the Top Ten, Ice Warriors creator/leader Iceyfeet1234 abused his position of power as an advisor in the CPAHQ for his own personal gain.
After complaining to DMT, CPAHQ’s Director in Chief, that his army had placed second (a very respectable ranking in itself) Iceyfeet logged onto the CPAHQ website to edit the rankings himself without permission or knowledge from DMT. This abuse of his power was met with his removal from the website and a remark that he is “too important to fire” by another member of the administration. Why did he have editor permissions in the first place, when other Advisors like CSY do not have them, nor have they been offered? When quizzed on this, CPAHQ told us he helped establish pages when CPAHQ was first opened, but this editor privilege has remained with him for months since. Why do the CPAHQ administration believe removing a permission Iceyfeet shouldn’t have had in the first place is a suitable punishment?
CP Army Hub CEO Pookie437 was removed from his position last year for a very similar thing. He refused to fire advisor Kingfunks4 for leaking the Top Ten rankings when he fired advisor CSY for much less, and stated Kingfunks4 was “too important and valuable a person to fire, where as CSY wasn’t”. Since when is one person in this community more important and better than another? What does that say about our community and the people “in charge” of the only media/league organisation if they do not uphold morals and integrity?
As shown below, Iceyfeet edited the Top Ten post by switching the Ice Warriors and Army of CP positions around, and changing the Ice Warriors score from 82.34 to 83.10. If, as DMT stated in the messages above, no further changes were to be made and a ranking switch would not occur, then why did Iceyfeet add 0.76 to their score?
Iceyfeet has since claimed discussions between himself and DMT was the reason for this score increase, but the message from DMT to Iceyfeet below categorically conflicts with this defence. DMT’s clear statements of “the size in question has been verified multiple times” and “I’m not enabling this any further” would suggest no further changes would be made, but Iceyfeet’s immediate response was that “he would handle it”.
Following this shocking series of events, DMT’s response was that Iceyfeet – despite being in the community since 2007 – believed he was in the appropriate and unbiased position to recount the army that he leads and the army he just spent an hour trying to be knocked off the first ranking so that his army could claim it. Regardless of CPAHQ’s (lack of) “parameters for jurisdiction over the top ten”, an army leader recounting his army’s event sizes is absolutely NOT appropriate. This is in fact called bias, and is a jurisdiction that does not need to be written down to be adhered to. An external party, Zambi, recounts the sizes for ACP in the Shamrock Bulletin Top Ten.
We are also keen to know the parameters of jurisdiction that CPAHQ have now set out over the Top Ten.
We are proud to achieve first, twice, after sitting beneath you on the rankings for so long. And we have done so without complaint or hours spent trying to get scores changes and sizes recounted, so why can you not do the same now? You only do yourself damage by investing so much of your energy into others.
Please do better and hold those that abuse their power accountable.
ACP Field Marshal & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter
Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, Shamrock Bulletin | Tagged: ACP SB, ACPSB, Army of CP, Army of CP Shamrock Bulletin, CP Army HQ, CPAHQ, Shamrock Bulletin |
Power corrupts people!
Oh no!
Oh yes!
Great message, Max! I hope other people can learn from this, too.