Top Ten Armies [4/18/21-4/24/21]

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The latest Top Ten concludes the month of April, and sees yet another reshuffling in the rankings.

♦ 1. Army of Club Penguin [83.38] [+0]

 2. Rebel Penguin Federation [81.36] [+1]

 3Ice Warriors [78.49] [-1]

♦ 4. Help Force [66.28] [+0]

 5. Water Vikings [50.19] [+2]

♦ 6. Silver Empire [48.75] [+0]

↓ 7. Templars [46.10] [-2]

 8People’s Imperial Confederation [38.58] [+3]

↓ 9. Special Weapons and Tactics [38.42] [-1]

♦ 10. Red Ravagers [32.16] [+0]

↓ 11. Fire Warriors [31.79] [-2]

 12Golden Troops [23.00] [+4]

 13Blue Ravagers Inc [12.00] [+1]

 14Recon Federation of Club Penguin [10.50] [-2]

[RETURN] 15. Post Malone Army [7.00]

 16. Crimson Guardians [5.00] [-1]

Click here for the calculations.

  • The highest event maximum for the week was achieved by the Rebel Penguin Federation: they peaked at 79 penguins in a battle against the Ice Warriors.
  • The Army of Club Penguin and Rebel Penguin Federation held the most events this week, a total of 8 each.
  • The Golden Troops and People’s Imperial Confederation made the largest position jumps this week – 4 and 3 respectively.
  • This is the second week the Army of CP have maintained their first ranking position in a close top three.
  • The Post Malone Army made their return to the rankings after a period of inactivity.

1. Army of Club Penguin: The Army of Club Penguin had yet another busy week, hosting a total of 8 events! To kick things off, they held an enormous Operation: Number One event to celebrate them placing #1 on the Top Ten, with 62 troops in attendance. They then held an AUSIA Mopia event to reminisce about the former army and mop around the island, maxing 41. Following after, the clovers brawled against the People’s Imperial Confederation in a epic practice battle, maxing 31. They then made their way on the battlefield to battle again, only this time against SWAT and maxed 54 troops. Next was an event to recognize Earth Day, peaking at an incredible number of 63. To celebrate CSY’s return from leave, the army held a fun practice battle against the Red Ravagers, maxing 42. After this, in preparation of the Spring Showdown event, the clovers held a simple showdown training maxing 39. To end off the week, the clovers hosted a community-wide Spring Showdown event which consisted of battling against the very best armies and the army maxed 41.

2. Rebel Penguin Federation: The Rebel Penguin Federation launched their recent week with a practice battle against the Ice Warriors, maxing 79. On Tuesday, they held an AUSIA rollerskating event, seeing 36 Rebels pull up in their funky skates. Afterward, they had an animal-themed event, peaking at a size of 43. On Wednesday, they held one EU event featuring some swag safari gear. 48 troops were in attendance at this event. Next, the Federation practiced their tactics in an AUSIA with a max of 32. Following that, they showed off their pride with colorful rainbow outfits donned by 52 Rebels. Friday saw a fun dance contest with 39 people in contention, while Saturday saw the last event of the week: a three way practice battle with the Silver Empire. They achieved a max of 35 for this.

3. Ice Warriors: The Ice Warriors kicked off their recent week by bidding goodbye to leader Flamez, maxing 76. Afterwards, they held an AUSIA Ice Cream event, peaking at a size of 38 troops. A few hours later, 44 Warriors attended a Hide and Seek tournament. On Wednesday, they held a Cart Surfer tournament with 43 people in attendance. Next up, they had an AUSIA battle training, maxing 48. To conclude their week, the Ice Warriors attended the Spring Showdown Tournament hosted by the Army of Club Penguin, achieving a size of 50 penguins against the other armies.

4. Help Force: The Help Force started off their recent week with an unscheduled AUSIA event, maxing 35. Afterward, they commenced Operation: Enhance, seeing 43 troops in attendance. Following that, Team Fire faced off Team Water in a brilliant branch battle with 36 penguins present in total. On Friday, they maxed 47 at the AUSIA event Operation: Retribution. To conclude their events, 36 Helpers competed at the Spring Showdown held by the Army of Club Penguin, facing off a multitude of other armies and bringing a nice end to their week.

5. Water Vikings: The Water vikings had a busy week, seeing seven events this week. Four of these were battles against the Templars in the war that fired up between the two. The week was kicked off with an AUSIA training event maxing 20. Next, they trained yet again in an EU event and maxed 29. The battles of the week began, with a defense against the Templars where they saw a size of 22 vikings online. The following day saw two battles, an invasion and defense both maxing 18 and 20 respectively. To finish off the war battles, the Vikings invaded the Templars for a second time and hit a size of 17 online. The final event of the week was their battle in the ‘Spring Showdown where they reached a peak of 17 soldiers.

6. Silver Empire: The Silver Empire held only four events this week, their first being a Find Four tournament with 33 contestants total. Next, the Silvers celebrated their One Year Anniversary with 39 troops in attendance. On Thursday, the army held a Release the Beasts Takeover with 26 online. Their final event of the week was a practice battle against the Rebel Penguin Federation’s divisions with 19 silvers total.

7. Templars: The Templars began their week with a war training and size of 26 penguins, before reaching 35 in their first invasion of the Water Vikings just two days later. Another battle in the war saw the Templars reach 28 online, and a further two after that witnessed peaks of 27 and 28 respectively.

8. People’s Imperial Confederation: Peoples Imperial Confederation: The Peoples Imperial Confederation had a quiet week of only five events, however one of these was the departure of two of the leaders. They kicked off maxing 20 in an AUSIA event in honor of the leaders retiring later that day. The retirement event of the leaders similarly saw a size of 20 that same night. Next, the Confeds took their fight to the Army of CP in a fun battle and ‘Find Four Tournament’ event reaching 14 members online. The second-to-last event was a ‘Yellow Parade’ hitting a total of 11 people online. To conclude their week, they battled in the Spring Showdown community battle and maxed a large size of 15 confederates.

9. Special Weapons and Tactics: The Special Weapons and Tactics held a total of four events this week. Their first was a Training event with a max of 25. Next, SWAT engaged in a practice battle against the Army of CP with 20 online. The army then held an AUSIA Training with 16 troops in attendance. To conclude their week, the Special Weapons and Tactics participated in the Spring Showdown with a peak of 19.

10. Red Ravagers: The Red Ravagers began their 6-event week with a US training and size of 16, before hosting EU and AUSIA training events with sizes of 11 and 12 respectively. They then participated in a Raid of RPF with size of 8 penguins, and a second US training witnessed a peak of 15. Finally, they reached a maximum of 8 in the Spring Showdown battle.

Where did YOUR army place in this week’s Top Ten Armies? Let us know what YOU think in the comments below!

Top Ten Calculations Team

Caramel, Max, Sophie, Zamb, FatChicken88

Top Ten Writing Committee

Rah, Sophie, Caramel, FatChicken88, Max

4 Responses

  1. Another great week!

  2. Well done max so proud of you

  3. […] to the TOP TEN ARMIES by ACP, here are the statistics for the […]

  4. acp on top babyyyy

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