The Color Wars: The History & Todays Battle Information

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The Color Wars community battle is today, so it’s time to go over some important history to help you better understand the historic event itself, as well as how the conflict will work later today.

The History

The Color Wars, also labelled World War I, was the very first trace of Club Penguin warfare. It existed before the Army of Club Penguin operated in the September of 2006, and even before the creation of other historic armies like the Nachos. It solely consisted of small rogue battles between penguins of different colors. As snowball fights had been a key feature of the Club Penguin game since its 2005 release, it allowed for rogue groups of similar colored penguins to group together and host minor skirmishes with penguins groups of other colors.

As these battles were rogue, they had no organisation in terms of leaders, websites, or Discord servers like we see today. The battles would mostly take place at the Dojo, with the two most dominant groups being The Reds and the Blues. Other common places for battle to occur included the Snow Forts, Boiler Room and Docks.

The war continued at a steady level for several months, but proceeded to blow up in August 2006 upon the release of the Sports Party. When this party began, red and blue hockey jerseys were made available for the first time, and this encouraged a heated conflict between The Reds and The Blues. Both these rogue groups heavily outnumbered other colors, and the conflict has since been labelled as World War I.

Fun fact: Army of CP creator Oagalthorp was seen at the Color Wars serving on Team Blue. Within months of this, he would go on to create the first organised army: the Army of Club Penguin.

The Reds were the more dominant group, and generally outnumbered the Blues in their battles. Part of the Reds success can be put down to a Club Penguin user known as Korn, who after some time became known as the unofficial ‘Red Clan Leader’. There have been rumours and speculation over the past 15 years that Korn was in fact ACP creator Oagalthorp, although these have not been confirmed.

However, after some time the Red vs. Blue World War would die out as more organised armies came to the forefront. It is said Korn was couped by friends, and there was no official victor of the Color Wars. The Color Wars paved the way for armies to thrive in more operated groups in 2007. They serve as a key part of Club Penguin army history and are the foundations that the organised and intricate system of army warfare continues to successfully operate on today.

How The Color Wars Will Work Today

Later today, the Army of CP will be taking part in an exciting four way Color Wars battle against the Help Force, Water Vikings and Silver Empire. Each of these four armies will be representing one of the primary colors – green, yellow, blue and red respectively.

Due to CP Rewritten lag, it has been organised that only two armies will battle each other at one point. So across the entire 30 minute event, each army will move room three times and battle one other color in each of these rooms.

Just as it would have been like in 2006, there will be little organisation in battle. This means no voice chat orders or leading from the Discord server – the room name can be announced on the Discord, but after that, it will all be in-game orders. There will be lots of “OPEN FIRE!” snowball chants, alongside instructions such as: “ANRGY FACE CHARGE” and “IGLOOS INTO PLUS”. Make sure you are focusing on the leaders penguin for orders throughout the event. Formations and word tactics are allowed if led in-game, but big word bubbles should be avoided at all costs! The battle rooms have also been chosen based on the common battling locations from the time.

It is asked that all members from the participating armies wear as little uniform as possible to help emulate the rogue culture of the 2006 conflicts. The ACP will be opting for the Light Green Color & Red Viking Helmet as their rogue uniform.

Today’s exciting Color Wars battle promises to be a huge event for all the participating armies and we are extremely excited to be joining in the fun alongside the other three amazing armies. Here’s to a fun and crazy battle!

What do YOU think? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!


ACP Temporary Commander-in-Chief & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

15 Responses

  1. Fun!!

  2. good job max

  3. Reblogged this on The Help Force.

  4. Seems super fun! Can’t wait!!

  5. I’m so excited for this, thanks for the post! It’s amazing <3

  6. Great article, Max! Can’t wait to battle today!


  8. Came to the event! It was amazing, thanks for the history explanation Max!

  9. Amazing post full of wonderful historical insight!

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