Hello ACP!
Today our US division logged on to Ascent, CPRewritten for our Games Tournament with Silver Empire event! After having a short practice battle with the Silver Empire for 10 minutes, we played Connect Four and Cart Surfer next for 10 minutes each. Here are our winners:
Overall Winners:
Find Four: Ryan, Beep
Cart Surfer: Hstergirl
ACP Winners:
Find Four: Kailey, Caramel
Cart Surfer: Daniel, Rarity
Congratulations to all Games Tournament Champions!
Max: 27
Thank you to everyone who attended! Be sure to check out #events for our next events and react in #battle-schedule for our huge branch battle against the Help Force on Friday 2pm EST. Don’t forget to react in #event-chat and leave a comment down below if you came!
ACP Lieutenant General
Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, US Division | Tagged: ACP, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Event Recap, Event Results, US, US Division |
I CAME AND holy lord my phone couldnt handle this battle
Congrats to all the winners!
I came! congrats to the winners and GG SE! 😀