Battle Brilliance: Cubster and Cubeoid

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome to this week’s feature of Battle Brilliance, where we will be speaking to two staff members of our AUSIA division: Cubster and and Cubeoid. What will their favourite battle be?

Field Marshal Cubster joined the Army of Club Penguin on 15th February, 2020. He worked his way up the ladder of ranks to his current position of Field Marshal, and has seen his fair share of battles. Out of all these battles but out of all one must triumph: 

My favourite battle would have to be the one during Fright or Fight where we matched up against Ice Warriors. That was the first time ACP broke 100+ online and the pure excitement of it was just crazy. Also the uniform we wore for that battle was pretty cool.

Lieutenant General Cubeoid has been in the Army of CP for some time, joining on 29th June, 2020. He too has seen a large variety of battles but out of all these, only one can take the cake. To find out more, we reached out to Cubeoid to discover his favourite ever battle:

My favorite battle will probably be Army of CP VS Ice Warriors – Fight Or Fright Semifinals which we won and had 113 troops online. I was very excited for this battle from the day of announcement of it and the hype for that battle was amazing. Also, Daniel and I were honored by BMA – Bronze Medal for that battle and that was a shock for me! I never expected that i will receive it but it was one of my memorable moments in ACP. By winning the battle we qualified for the finals and that week was one of my best week in ACP for me because of all the events that happened that week the records we made!

It seems that both of our amazing AUSIA staff members have more than just regions in common, as their favourite battles are also the same. There is no doubt that the Fright or Fight tournament against the Ice Warriors was a memorable event, at which the Army of CP peaked at 110 soldiers. Who will be featured next edition? And what will their favourite battle be?

What do YOU think? Let us know YOUR thoughts in the comments down below!


ACP Colonel and Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

4 Responses

  1. Great column, Action!

  2. Nice action!!

  3. ooo a coincidence? i believe not

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