Epic USA Tactical Training

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Today, we had an amazing training session on our capital server Breeze. Recently we’ve been experiencing some issues with people going AFK before events unexpectedly, chat being slow due to school starting back up, etc., but today you can say those issues were overcome.

After a large calling and recruiting effort prior to the event, we were able to get what would be the best event we have had in a while, and also the best one of the week. We were able to get strong size that only grew and tactics that reflected a lot of hard work and discipline. After in the dojo courtyard for a bit of the event, we decided to move into the dojo for more room. We had some good bombs and normal tactics in all our formations today. After the first dojo formation, I had everyone chase after me and try to tag me.

After a few minutes of running around the dojo, I became cornered behind a pillar. That is what led to a massive bunch and to a very nice clover bomb! For our final formation we assembled into a wall as if we were protecting Sensei. I’m very happy to have led this event, and I hope we are able to have these many more times. It was a very very fun event, which led to me raffling away 75 xats to a single winner, which ended up being Zags100, and another 20 xats to Coquimichu! In the end, we maxed 12 and averaged 12. Despite this event exceeding 30 minutes, I didn’t hear a single complaint or negative comment.

Read on for the pictures by Jet!

Very nice clover bomb.

Here we introduced a new tactic where a midpoint was established, and one side of the midpoint did a certain word tactic. For the first time, this was a sight for sore eyes.

Once again, it was one for the books, and we made it happen today. Great work everyone!

And here is the pictures of me getting cornered after being chased:


Proud Commander in Chief of the Army of Club Penguin.

2 Responses

  1. I was there for most of it and it was a good event.

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