CPA is meant for fun Pt.1

The Army of Club Penguin have been ignoring RPF since the 31st December and will continue to ignore them into the future. Why? This war lacks the fun it should’ve because of the absence of common rules between the two armies; rules shouldn’t be an issue preventing fair warfare in this community however upon RPF denying to agree to ground rules they’re stopping this war from being fun. CPA is truly meant for fun and constantly abusing, abandoning and twisting the rules destroy this idea of fun.

RPF are free to say whatever they want in response to this post but as an army we’ll be ignoring all hate posts as well as invasions especially seeing as “there’s nobody to enforce the rules anymore” a statement which RPF have been using for most of this war to deem everything their victory.

In case, RPF insulting/ignoring ACP instead of agreeing with ground rules to make this a fair war isn’t enough proof that RPF are taking the fun out of this war then you’ll be delighted to know we’re posting another post full of ways RPF have twisted/broken rules to try and beat us. Not to mention the constant hate posts/insults that have been thrown our way from RPF. If ACP and AR are so weak then you should be able to defeat us fairly, RPF.





8 Responses

  1. I’m glad we’re putting more focus on the bigger picture once again, great post and great points!

  2. Even though I’m from RPF, I have to admit and show respect for the ACP. RPF however, still decided to invade you guys. I really wished you guys could show up though, because I really badly want competition (and fun) from you guys…

    I also want to state that, as of now, RPF has now declared that ACP has literally fallen. (or at least all of ACP’s servers have been taken over by the RPF now). I’m not sure how this Pain War is going on. With the ACP not showing up at all to RPF’s events…I do not know what is going on right now.

    Also, I agree with Nugget. This is definitely a good post. Also, am I allowed to visit ACP chat without getting banned (even though I’m from RPF?).

    There’s one thing that I can’t stand. It’s a lack of communication. I notice that in every war battle, both armies claim victory (rarely does one army agree to concede defeat). Can’t armies just simply talk with one another, go over the statistics, and then determine who won/lost, or drew a battle?

    -Zottffss, aka Zott, Zot, or Z.

    • We’re ignoring RPF as a whole. If that’s how you really feel about wars and how the opponents act, you should talk to RPF. And yeah you can visit ACP chat whenever you’d like.

    • Thank you for being so reasonable Zott, I wish the rest of RPF would be so reasonable to speak to us in the manner you just did so this war could come to a proper conclusion.

      • Same Chuck. I agree. I’m also banished from your chat. It would be really nice if I could get unbanned. My xat username is: ZottffssTheKind. My ID: 1507037542

  3. Also, if you guys want, I opened up a new chat so we can chat and communicate better. I hate seeing armies banning troops that are enemies, so this chat should take care of the problem. My hangout is:

  4. RPF has constantly bickering around the ACP for a while now, aren’t they tired of doing same thing and one that Pain needs his own therapist He isn’t “fighting the good fight” and now claiming everything theirs? Remember that they cannot shift history, never.

    However, on the other hand, this is somewhat reliable and everyone can breathe finely now. I hate this war despite being pointless. Nice point, Edwin.

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