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March Promotions 2016

US-O10 insignia.svgGeneralUS-O10 insignia.svg

Trader | Bam117 

– Leader in Training –

CapnRyanSuper Edwin | King Mondo

US-O9 insignia.svg Lieutenant GeneralUS-O9 insignia.svg


US-O8 insignia.svgMajor GeneralUS-O8 insignia.svg

Fluffyboy3| Bad (Temp)| Slider| Lionzluver|

US-O7 insignia.svgBrigadier GeneralUS-O7 insignia.svg

Sonic, Tamiyami, Skipper233, Elsa, Matthew4901

US-O6 insignia.svgColonelUS-O6 insignia.svg

  Snow/Finland wins Lord Sam, Jaisick/Roman Reigns,

US-O5 insignia.svgLieutenant Colonel US-O5 insignia.svg

  Lord Flash,  Army Agent

US-O4 insignia.svgMajorUS-O4 insignia.svg

Graceisbaeah ,Vision, Shazam77014, The Ronan, Roggy83, Coolskater5/Honey Singh, Dia1245

US-O3 insignia.svg Captain US-O3 insignia.svg

Fizz007/Tiny Finn,  Rekook, Bullet/Lolliepop117, Hulk Hogan23, Coolskate5

US-O2 insignia.svg Lieutenant US-O2 insignia.svg

Mako Mako, Rocky24568, Athul, Splash148, Sakr18

Warrant Officer

Super Chanel, Studio57, stonecold 42

Army-USA-OR-09c.svgSergeant Major Army-USA-OR-09c.svg

Spartan, Metro11, Haru RM

First Sergeant

Diezlbudoy,  Lafonpie, Ironslime12, Powerdude3, Moki101, Mickey/Michalay

Master Sergeant

 The Cool Guy, john12566

Army-USA-OR-07.svg Sergeant First Class Army-USA-OR-07.svg

 Cam Newton74, Chuck Falay

Army-USA-OR-06.svg Staff Sergeant Army-USA-OR-06.svg

Bcguy33, TheInfinitiv, ,ACP (Clover) SPC Jimmy Square,

Army-USA-OR-05.svg Sergeant Army-USA-OR-05.svg

Ryakylkri, Peeps80,  Yes01, Starbits/Xiaobao123, Squink, Atina123,

Army-USA-OR-04a.svg Corporal Army-USA-OR-04a.svg

Avi Lavellan, Vale898, Abbigail3000, Leddyeddy13, spartan,Labradol, Craft Home, Aimee Meow, PEN10005, Dani

Private First Class

Reno22, No No Junior, Dan, Koodie, Oranges Peel, Gia Elizi, Dogdog2192, Clovezooz, Kenneth1000


bigbome1, Moose Man,Yes01,renzcel2003, Blaine, Sirchubs, Rosetta1d1, Nevara000, Robert Hargrove, spycatdog, Luke1212, Chipsndip1, monkeydale,Princess4321  Owen60128, , popastefanut, Garfield143, Xxsansxx, Rarity180, Ronaldo180, Toots07, myajcpps, Mary

Army-USA-OR-02.svg Private Army-USA-OR-02.svg

arvm,partyboy569,skye122,  Marley, Supper Shady,Matthyou, Kenz112,dillpickler, fruitjuice18, Pengoalas, matthyou, kellster124, TigerLilly3, Jamesy87,jdake1, justin89205, Chungpoww79, Almadely,  Kooma2, EnemyAce03 ,atticus ,  EleniMarsh,Veevee1235,Ruby1354, Thesplat,  Deimantas11, Tommybowe123, popastefanut,mal4o2, dashoodash, samana raza1

6 Responses

  1. Nice. Congrats to everyone who got a promotion.

  2. thanks for the promo, congrats to anyone who got promo!

  3. Congtrats to everyone who got promoted! Keep up the good work :mrgreen:

  4. Congratulations to everyone who got promoted

  5. Can someone make a colonel?

  6. Well done to all who were promoted. If you weren’t promoted, please realize that even if you have done exemplary work, perhaps a spot hasn’t opened up for you to be promoted. Nonetheless, keep up the good work.

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