ACP Promotions for June



(unless you REALLLYYY want one)

Hello Troops!

It’s the day you have all been waiting for …. promotions! We have seen some good performance this month from most all troops. I am very proud of you all maintaining the honor that is the Army of Club Penguin! Without further ado, here are the promotions for June 2015!

Italics = Demoted

Bold = Promoted


US-O10 insignia.svgGeneralUS-O10 insignia.svg


US-O9 insignia.svg Lieutenant GeneralUS-O9 insignia.svg

Jacknat02, Sidie9/Vexillarius

US-O8 insignia.svgMajor GeneralUS-O8 insignia.svg

King MondoSuper Edwin, Puff001, [Temp]Agent Ryan, [Temp]Lord West, [Temp]Trader

US-O7 insignia.svgBrigadier GeneralUS-O7 insignia.svg

Skipper233, Noka, Koko

US-O6 insignia.svgColonelUS-O6 insignia.svg

Rng Flymizz, Sonic,  IamKicky, Gian Luack,  Zashkal

US-O5 insignia.svgLieutenant Colonel US-O5 insignia.svg

Icey20115, Blueink, Jimmy38983, Daisy67540Buggins WillClubxlcboys

US-O4 insignia.svgMajorUS-O4 insignia.svg

Jester, Waddler Pro, Parth

US-O3 insignia.svg Captain US-O3 insignia.svg

Kenneth1000, IcypenguinCritica, ELchango21lElsa/Lolly17, Chatman999, Sing As KingRoseela 2515, Andy

US-O2 insignia.svg Lieutenant US-O2 insignia.svg

Elvis86750, GtfiveBlazerStarboi414, Peter9977, Antwerp001Jedi4590Daisy67540

Warrant Officer

 Henrio, Jenkins23Penguino779Lionzlover, Bananaman14, Jimstyle,  A1710, Jacksonstar1

Army-USA-OR-09c.svgSergeant Major Army-USA-OR-09c.svg

Lemonjello1, Blueicespark, Bobrocks9000, Free Dude 15Gagili, Jt812, Sonic46117, Roggy83Justin

First Sergeant

Hi hi 235, TheRobot221Thundazz

Master Sergeant

Swimy1998, Gumdrop1105Sparky Dog, Ninjaarmy233Mialolipop1Jude

Army-USA-OR-07.svg Sergeant First Class Army-USA-OR-07.svg

BryanboSallie, PenguinChip, Andy12e44Lolliepop117FroogzACP ZoomeyLouie76533, Jadeee35, Diezlbudoy

Army-USA-OR-06.svg Staff Sergeant Army-USA-OR-06.svg

Omega43, Bcguy33, Donald95Powerdude3,
, Centaur17, Tape2222
, PokePaw,
 Jimmy303, M0k3r2/Moki101.Jeremy353  

Army-USA-OR-05.svg Sergeant Army-USA-OR-05.svg

Elvis86750,  Blake, JadeIcethomas B1, Seth/Chat Inspector, Moonman Rock, Fisher Man3, Agentgreen95Maximilian70, Sammy AdamsKittyfashion101Floatypeng, Salt Penguin, Billy idol1/Clade, SpinisterAshsPikachu, Thegamer6675, Parth5, Chester223Arine20

Army-USA-OR-04a.svg Corporal Army-USA-OR-04a.svg

SwaymgodGreenM4nShadow22712, Zeroman20Blueicespark, R15596, AgentBeast6,Bobyo500, Cool Guy Fry, Roswaldo, Manny163, Awesommen64, Coffeecups24, BellabellieI Love Kanye, CpcutekittySt Patrick 73, Raawi, Muimuimui, Bobbo1884

Private First Class

 NinjaGoIsCol, Chainy6845, Shorty05020, Manny25345Club, Fishsalad21, Magic Man963ClubxlcboysCOOL6GIRL

Army-USA-OR-02.svg Private Army-USA-OR-02.svg

Amber34155,  Seth96994Ninja Emma, Bigtasty6, Ninja LaurenCutiepie, Kennyz, Devushka 2, Scottih, Golf59872QueenAnnie5547, Sugarlump31, Justin89205, Sugarwizard, Rahul Bunni, Mario26066, Nintendo342Marcos (dorian 2999)Fuzbuket, Evildance, Cammy313, LoonyMoony, Jordanray06, Cm1026, Annakyle1, Jackiechan07, Jack_14, FandumbTrash, Gia Girl1980, Abby238, Taste556, Sweet443, Mg 124, Nolle Star0, Kylar09, Lolcrowley, Benhenry8, Pingy235, FandumbTrash, LordNinja449, Ella, Maple Breeze, Mangle13, Marbles115Funnyblue170, Santa Cars, Miami3831, Sunshine3035, Devin5094, Funkid56, Jacobtk Bruinfan, Crystallake4, WhyzguyBlueDoesBlue, HarryGoodboynot, Granter30, Mario26066, Wafflekitten, GornachHobseh, Pinky12857, Kittygirl81, Hospot111, Amit7, Ducker007, Stuck24, Coldbird1, Stampyfan246, Arthurka2200, Crazycat78Bob82386, Fudge Girl99, Gemzstahh2, Rainbowsaur, Rednoodles3, Aditya Goyal, Pransh11, Itsnear, Dipanshu, Eshaan 006, Hotspot111, Rowly15, Ekansh Ansh1, Stellastr19, Dj9112, Natrox2003, Pilotpen1, Pccats, Reddy42427, DarthArtic14, Melissa31407, Mj113, Ayaan12,

If you think you deserve a promotion but you did not receive one, please comment your name and why.


10 Responses

  1. I was trying to be active all this month, and I haven’t done anything wrong in the ACP this month either. Sometimes, WordPress glitched me up and it wouldn’t let me comment on event results. This happened about 2-3 times.

  2. Wtf reverse my demotion

  3. I just returned to the armies as a Sgt. First Class and I have been that since around September of 2014 before I retired. I am supposed to now be Master Sergeant.

  4. Well done, everyone who got a promo!!

  5. Thanks for the promo, and congratulations to all my fellow troops who got promoted. There is a mistake in the ranks, I’m in Private and as well as in Lieutenant Colonel, hope some one fixes it.

  6. Noka should’ve been promoted js.

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