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Promotions for August 2013.


Hello ACP!

It’s ‘that’ time of the month again! DRUM ROLL PLEASE!


Bold = Promoted

Red = Demoted

Purple: Earned the rank by graduating ACPTR

leaderCommander in Chief: Cassius Brutus, Pinkgirl3919

 2icField Marshal: Flipmoo , Purple Slime4

3icGeneral: Fluffyboy3, Monsoon, Sercan

4icLieutenant General: Bluesockwa, Change, Epicorange, Jerry 4 Ever, Nnpingwin, Splasher99,

5icMajor General: Asdfghjkl888,  Japan ,Lighton155. Noka7, Obama81000, Pengy38088, Superjay99

6icBrigadier General:  Agent233, Cody213, Cpwarriorful, Rawkinman, Rock71, Smartuin, Sonic

7icColonel: Aquaglamgirl, Elf12800, Grillchz200, Hades, Jack, Maelatron, Max43810, Trumpyjosh, 

8icLieutenant Colonel: Bjkb1, Bart Simp52, Da Main Cat, Dw2608, Gordon Edwards, Mcw3, Dj Pingy8, Harry Joe, Pengo1693, Slippykicky, Subz12, Matthew .

9icMajor: James30072,  Justin995, Mcab, Skyfish, Twitchy543, xradiation, Jodie, Thalia, Sirproditor, Carcal

10icCaptain: Andy21441Beatlesfan13, Bkrb Boss, Carcal, Colew2000, CoolBoy24206, Cr223, Darkside, Domsamillion, Dannay11, Dpd2000, FireWor1234, Firefoot9000, Gangsta, Grayrocket, LeonW33, Lilstar, LionzluverNicWin100, Pie51/Kingwhale, Pingu15cool, Sidie9, Xhuntercorey, Zach 11, ZacFoxx27,

11icFirst Lieutenant:  444panda444, Alyassa1, Attackster142, Anna Mcg, Badboy00923, Chrisi Blule, Cody2143, Cocoispuffed, CP Spaulding, Crob30, Edenboy6, Gothic6888, Karateg0874, LordAlbaro, Red, Videogames1224,  Phipy, Westbrook7 

12icSecond Lieutenant: 123go12, Alex Mcg,  Cocoi25, Color50, Cutey101, Empoleon7667,  Icebell,  Korra546, Kyle2000, Overton60, Skipper233, SpriteCP, Icepro24

13ic Sergeant Major:  Billybob2717, Goh Laser 1,  Kenz112King Mondo, Joshg1, Nintendo342, Penguin52374, Turborobo999,


You are the rank of Captain or under? Do you feel like you’re progressing the ranks rather slowly? Well, you can now join the Army of Club Penguin Training Regiment. No, it’s not school, it’s pure fun. You have fun in tactics sessions and get to know more about the ACP. It really does help with getting promotions faster. What are you waiting for?, join today!

:!: Click HERE to join between the 1st-15th of each month :!:


14icWarrant Officer: A L E X ACP, DawnedLeg, Giant Mike, Mel77114Pinkshine529, Tentennyson, Vissie987, Zoom5515, Westbrook7

15icStaff Sergeant: Pirlo100, Robbybobby, Rocky24568, Rocky267, Snozone1

 16icSergeant:  Bluey 10132, Bluscluses, Keynikki, Inzult54312, Jedi4590Mrgrinch6, Perry6544, Poohbear, Raven 10, Snaketeja, Smelly7709,  Vchgfdytubdy, Lord Gage,

17icCorporal: Blueink, Casandra3765, Clover902, Dexter86090, Elv 465, Frodogon, Makenzie1234, Kad186, Pokemon56107, Rocketman22, Redfred92439, Roggy83, Yoman5103, Zame104

 18icLance Corporal: 20TheBomb, Antwerp001, Applebiter, Army Of CP, Athul1, Bart25, BeHappy 2Day, Billy682299, Blue Keegan1,  Bonwe, Cr223, Embikey101, Epicolizard, Gmonngoy, Herbbie6, Ninielle, Roboman999, Rocky 267,  Smartpiano, Superr Ninja, Test55235, Thegavman, Zazzyred57, Aisawesome36

 19ic Private First Class: Abe106, Bedos Pal, Bigmail, Day6606, Greenyoshi75, Jose3437, Logan Gage, Pengo3601, Pengy21, Pikachu624, Playmaster99, R15596, Theninja8414, Tony Romo401, Tuner777, Vo Yo, Wan Shi Tong, ZackRyder117

 20icPrivate: 95lightningAbe106, Anessa2, Ashkhan11, Awesome1991, Batuhanduras, Bee61, Brady, Boad Storm, Bobrules 107, Bumperman123, Clover902, Courtneyrox7, CrazyCat1802, Cwack face43, Cutesapphira, Dino, Dilan1234, Duncan543, Emkiby101, Enzo2222, Farkey28905, Fulangy, Hammersong3, Homiemate, Iceacoll, Iceboy8974, ldrago125, Kad186, Kacper55, Kaneo143, Kung fu wah, Lilolien, Lil Pigpig, Lil Rose2, Lol30000, Mario1792, Mariaenache0, Marvel 7345, Miladme, Milalila3, MissMaestro, Mr Baggins03, Mrpingu2004, Nellie63, Ninja85456, Oreodabeast, Paramore, Pet0123, Piggyfly45, Pinguu32, Pop 1023, PrincesPeach, Pup2yr10, Raybombs, Razerx123, Red10oscar, Ryback116, Sarah6746, ScoobertsACP, Serban2006, Serge00, Speed Mkwii, Spulch, Sonic0915, Sooni7, Sourodita, Spidermmann, Spongebob123, Sulton123, Thejadeaa1, Thinknoodles, Ttjg45, Tornadobobby, Tom Ponk1, Tylers Pal, Vader2929, Water62487, Wavegirl, Worm41, Yeturu, YukoYube, Zagham, Zildijan, Diby Baby, Oranmichael, Joker48116, Jaller49er, Blue Keegan1, Slender1202

 ACP Bunny Duck: Asdfghjkl888

 Creator: Oagalthorp


As always, we try our best to make sure that everyone who deserved a promotion got a promotion. But we do occasionally miss out on people. If you feel that you deserve a promotion, and did not get one. Then please fill out the following form:



Medals earned this month:

Rank you think you should be promoted to:

Why you think you should be promoted:

August has been a very mixed month, we had a lot of great success in the latter half of the month, when I took over as Commander in Chief, and experienced our biggest ever fall in the earlier part of the month. But we are going onwards and upwards, and I look forward to next month.

♣We Press On♣


Your President and Commander in Chief,


27 Responses


  2. thnx guys

  3. I don’t need a promo. Cause I’m not in the army :O
    Yes, it’s time for me to retire forever. My reason for retirement is because of school. It is starting to get harder and harder. I’m in 2 High School classes and I’m only an 8th grader. Soccer/football is now taking up my time also, with games and practices. Hmm, I don’t know what else to say except for a thanks to everybody who made me get far in my army career and that this is a cheesy retirement comment. I don’t need a post. So anyways, see ya guys and goodluck with the future of ACP

  4. Im really sorry to complain, but i have stayed up several times till over 3 am in uk time when i didnt need to, I stayed loyal to my army and only got put up 1 rank, with my efforts i hoped to get up at least 2 or 3.

  5. Thanks for promoting me!


  7. can you promote me im major

  8. If I don’t get my promo, Im out of ACP, My second time STRAIGHT not gettin a promo df. Keep up. I’ve been attending so much

  9. I think I’ve been removed from the ranks…

    I was a lieutenant colonal originally but now I can’t find my name.

  10. Ohh my goodness triple promorion ty

  11. Congratsies everyone who got a promotion!

  12. Im on mobile xD

  13. Name: Grayrocket
    Rank: Captain
    Medals earned this month: 36
    Rank you think you should be promoted to: Major
    Why you think you should be promoted: I think I should be promoted to major because I was very active this month. I’ve been coming to events and coming to chat actively. I’ve been respectful to each other and did not back talk anyone what so ever,

  14. How many medals is needed for a promotion?

  15. 1.Jedi4590
    3.I never asked
    4.warrant officer
    5.I was very active an attended many AUS events but i did not got for two months

  16. Thanks for the promo 😀

  17. Name: Zach 11

    Rank: Captain

    Medals earned this month: 0

    Rank you think you should be promoted to: Major

    Why you think you should be promoted: Well, I honestly think that I won’t get promoted as you can see I have 0 medals… Something I am not proud of, but I have been in this army since 2010/2011. I have had a bad success at getting promoted, even if I was active or not. I think it might be because my name is at the end of the list of people? Because it starts with a Z? I don’t know, but anyone I understand if I don’t get a promo, I will try to get more medals from now on.

    ~Zach 11

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