***All information was from the knowledge of Icey Cold27 and Kingfunks4.
Hai dere, ACP.
I stayed up all night contemplating this decision I have before my flippers. I was going to get a five:seven vote from the owners. After talking with Kingfunks4 we decided that I should just skip to the post. A year ago I was leader and an issue like this occurred. Hopefully with this act we won’t be pulled down again.
With the help of Kingfunks4, and myself, Doritos of CP will be kept neutral; and will not be allies immediately.
We highly thank DCP for all the help they gave us in the first part of the war. You helped us out so much, I’m sorry that it came down to this. Thank you for all the help you’ve given us in the past and I hope you feel the same towards us. I can’t stress enough how many times you’ve been there for us.
Recently Wwebestfan, DCP creator and leader, made a post addressing us that ACP “ditched” them. The post included verbal abuse and hacking, or some type of “watch out,” threat for all armies that ditched them (ACP mainly.) We had no intentions for ditching you and we apologize that you feel that way. Our prime focus is to be at war with Light Troops; not an ally of ours, the Dark Warriors (who are helping us deal with LT.) I’m sorry that once again that we couldn’t help you out fully. It’s obvious that we aren’t going invade our allies.
After that post was on their site Wwebestfan went further to bring Purple Republic (the terrorizing army group) into this mess***. With two comments on their site referring to us. His anticipations were to get DCP, PR, and LT to bring us down***. Luckily PR nor LT posted anything on their site addressing us. Wwebestfan fails to realize Vio (PR creator) and I love to drill together and play hide-and-seek.
Did Wwebestfan stop there? No and sadly he target a site that had no awareness of this. Recently CPAC has been “hacked” and the culprit is none other than Wwebestfan***. My guess is that he thought CPAC was biased to ACP and decided to take his anger out at them***. He deleted many pages and posts from February. Luckily he didn’t get down to the prime and historical posts. CPAC is currently rebuilding and we wish them luck, and a sorry. We’re sorry you ever had to be dragged into this mess.
With the investigation of Kingfunks and I we have proved that Wwebestfan has been out to get ACP after his threat post***. Wwebestfan and I both know that DCP has had problems with this in the past. I respect all soldiers in DCP, and even their leader at times, but we’re not ready to become allies after all of this. It’s completely ironic how this is how we lose our long alliance this way. 幸運とさよなら [[good luck and goodbye]], DCP.
King Mickey Mouse: You’ve gotta board the train and get outta here. The train knows the way.
Let the marching begin.
~Icey Cold27 ♣ ACP Head General
Filed under: ACP | Tagged: Army of Club Penguin, Club Penguin, Icey Cold27, Mchappy |
First, booyah!
Second, nice post :O
Thank you, br0ski. <3
We aren’t enemies with DCP. We are just neutral; we’ll just leave each other alone for a while.
Being an editor is not hacking a site.
That’s why I put quotations on “hacking.” I then defined what he did, he deleted pages and posts on the site. He basically abused his position there and risked CPAC from losing a ton of posts.
:O How could he :O
Interesting. And wtf, I’m logged in, but I’m not. RAGEE
i hate wwebestfriend how could he do that he should be kicked off of club penguin for hacking! reply if you hate him!
Hate is a very strong word.
i know that
Why are we so surprised? He’s been acting like this for nearly two years now.
Ah. Wonderful how we all get along.
CPAC should ban wwebestfriend from all large / medium armies. Oh, Icey cold27, Nachos have been saying that we lie our faces off, so could you post proof that wwebestfriend isn’t being hacked or an impostor did that please?
A post of all the chaos that has happened recently will be posted shortly.
that explains alot…
Such a sad way to end such a great alliance. GLORY TO THE ACP!
1. Wwe’s intensions toward CPAC were caused due to him thinking that he would be banned from cp warfare after his “Threat” post not because he thought that CPAC was baised.
2. All of the issues concerning of allying LT and “destroying” ACP have been brought down, we are focusing on DW and DW only.
3. I representing Doritos as being leader in Training apologize to the ACP and I hope we can be allies again in the future.
So Wwe thought that by hacking us, he would avert punishment for a single threatening post, one we weren’t even going to punish him for in the first place? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. You need to understand, we aren’t going to start dishing out punishments left and right. It won’t happen often. LT was a special case, in which not only were we insulted, but their unnecessarily vulgar propaganda threatened warfare as a whole. Punishments like that will not be common. Personally, I’d say this is an issue that needs to deal with Wwe, not DCP as a whole. Every problem in this case seems to trace back to him.
And yes, what Wwe did is not hacking, it is an abuse of power and a breach of trust. I would have taken this much more seriously had he carried out his presumed intent, which would involve deleting many more posts than he did before Poch stopped him. Thankfully, he was unsuccessful, however we will still punish him severely.
Ansem the Wise: It’s been too long, my friend.
Mickey Mouse: Ansem the Wise. Why didn’t you come to me before things got so bad?
Ansem the Wise: Xemnas, the Organization’s Superior, is the Nobody of Xehanort, my foremost apprentice. The burden was mine to bear.
Mickey Mouse: Is that all?
Ansem the Wise: I won’t deny there was more. I was… obsessed with thoughts of revenge. My apprentices stole everything precious to me: my research, and my pride.
Kingdom hearts…
nice post
What’s with the *** at the end of specific words?
Why could he do that? p.s. idk but i think ek goes on there he didnt join but i saw his comment im not tattling dont ban him or anything but im just telling you…..