True Dedication


Best of the best. None can beat his goal. Never stopping always going until he’s there, until the top has been reached. The kindest, though a strict look. The back bone of this army, ever since a certain someone left. Helping us up, getting us to our feet. Defending, fighting, everything possible for a soldier. I am proud to have served under him, and have him as a trusting guardian. Not letting anyone get in our way, always there to fight alongside.

The Medal of Honor is the greatest award in Club Penguin military. I have gotten approval from a past leader I believe his word is all we need. This soldier has always been there and according to Oagalthorp-

The Medal of Honor is given to all troops in the ACP that show exceptional dedication, bravery in battle, and help in any great way necessary. The ACP Medal of Honor is the greatest award in Club Penguin military.


This soldier meets the requirements.

I am proud to award…


The Medal of Honor for his increasing dedication to the ACP during this war. Even with his migraines he still manages to come on and help out our army. His help has kept this army standing and we hope to see him for many more months.

Congratulations Dryvit, welcome to the elite of the Army of Club Penguin!

44 Responses

  1. 1st

  2. OMG

  3. 3rd,Congrats who got the medal of honor!!

  4. Why does everyone think im MEGGIS???
    If your reading this UNBAN ME ON CHAT

  5. Dryvit, I’m happy for you and I’m gonna let you finish, but BOOMER DESERVED THE MEDAL OF HONOR AWARD!

    Boomer got it already, u wanna give him two?

  6. congratz dryv

  7. Congrats big guy, you deserve it

  8. Congrats Dry! You really Earned it 😉


  9. i just thought that dry already had one….. congrats!

  10. Great Job!! I hope I can be as good as you are.

  11. -Removed due to your lack of intelligence hurting my brain-

  12. Congratz dry you really really earned it 😉

  13. Now I’m just going to throw this out there and say that Commando, (despite how much you don’t like him) Most certainly went above and beyond Dryvit in all categories. It’s too bad that you don’t give out awards to non-ACP people.

    He got idiot of the year award, you two shared it.

  14. Well Done dry

  15. wow! congrats dryvit. u did the stuff!

  16. congrats dry

  17. i am so proud of u dry u r great

  18. Finally, I thought this was coming for a long time. Congratulations Dryvit… (Clovers forever)


  20. yo Dryvit Im really happy for you and all and Im a gonna let you finish, BUT BEYONCE HAD THE BEST LEADERSHIP OF ALL TIME :'(


  21. Dryvit im really happy for you and im going to let you finish but saint had one the best leaderships of all time. Awww you guys know im kidin congrats dude. O__O

  22. Well done Dry! You really deserved it. I just hope I could achive at least half of what you did. 😉

  23. GO DRY!

  24. Congrats Dry, you earned it. 😉

  25. W0000T! YA DRY! I KNEW IT WAS U

  26. congrats dry 🙂

  27. GREAT JOB! And to all coments complaining about this, gte of this site! hey Dry you reall earned it!

  28. Yup…Dry thanks for work’n hard!

  29. Congrats Dryvit I hope to get that medal too someday!!!!!

  30. By “going above and beyond” you mean calling an entire army racist, and never admitting that your own army has flaws? Look, I like Dry, AND I’m in the ACP. I agree that he deserves the Medal of Honor. But I don’t think now is the right time to give it to him, right after his ludicrous post about the RPF.

  31. Moks4 2nd Lt.
    Contgarts Dryvit!!

  32. well done dry u r a brilliant soldier! 😀 buh bye ! ~lfcfantorres rank:none

  33. hey penguins ive made a new army…
    please join

  34. Dry u so earned it
    hope ur migrains get better

  35. Good Job Dry!

  36. Actually I wanna give Fort an award.

  37. grats Dry!!!!!!

  38. which medal of honor,the wii version or X box360?

  39. Nice job dry! (: lets just hope the Kanye West of cp armies isn’t here

  40. Oh wow, thank you person who edited my comment and didn’t leave a name. That was totally called for. This is why people get mad at you! You say things like that. I don’t do things wrong against you, I don’t say mean things about you. I say what I think, but I don’t say ludicrous statements like,

    “He got idiot of the year award. You two shared it.”

    Why are you calling me an idiot?

    Why are you on this post trashing dry’s award? Give commando your own award.

  41. So your calling the man who saved acp back in WW3 an idiot. What respect…

  42. yehhhhhhhhh dry u really earned this one!! i hope ur headaches well migranes go away cuz i really enjoyed u being leader. Good pick ACP!!

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