The New Administration/Leaders’ Tasks

I, TyloV5, declare 9/27/09 as ACP Recruitment Day!  Just go on and recruit.  If you see someone say “Let’s recruit on Snow Fort!”, then go to Snow Fort.  And like I said on chat, you best be recruitin’…

I hereby declare this The Dream Team!

2nd Edit: Saint is back too! 😀

Edit: Ankita (Jedimaster17) has decided to come back!

We have finalized the new leadership of ACP!

Leader: Boomer 20

Co-Leaders: Dryvit, Ktman, Jedimaster17

3rd in Commands: Tylov5, Foxtails, Ennbay 0

Field Janitor: Saint1119

Senate Vice President: Ganondorf787

Ambassador: [Pending Election]

The next step is to figure out what everyone will be doing.  Essentially, this is what I believe each person is best suited for (please tell me if something else interests you, or if I have given you a task you do not think you are capable of).

For this to work, you must stick to your jobs.  If we try to overlap too much, either both of you try to do it, or neither do it.  Think about the moving parts of a machine.  That is what we must do.

Boomer 20 – Schedule lots of practice battles, tactic sessions, and other events, make ACP far more active, work on rebuilding both our own army and helping out our allies, maintain the integrity of ACP and keep everyone working hard

Dryvit – Will run the DRACP with Jedimaster17, maintaining servers, bringing Democracy back to ACP

Ktman – In charge of the Divisions, scheduling Divisional practices and patrols, making sure Divisions stay active, Division Generals will report to him

Jedimaster17 – Will run the DRACP with Dryvit, maintaining the DRACP, in charge of scheduling Governor elections

Tylov5 – Will assist Dryvit with the DRACP, in charge of the Governors (once elected), will maintain the Allies page

Foxtails – Will be our contact with allies, in charge of the ACP PR Department, will inform us of the soldiers opinions so that we may lead based on what you the soldiers want, and being awesome (lulz)

Ennbay 0 – Will carry out the remaining government actions, including Senator elections, and will assist Ganondorf787 with the Senate

Saint1119 – Will be in charge of non-battle events and keeping ACP fun, will have the power of a Co-Leader

Ganondorf787 – Will be the Senate Vice President, in charge of the Senate, though must comply to Dryvit and Tylov5’s DRACP Governement model, in charge of scheduling Senate meetings and making sure our Senators stay active

The Join page will most likely be done by everyone, each person will take care of it on a certain day.  If you are unable to do it a certain day, let another leader know, and you can switch days with them.  Think of it as a work schedule.

I will update you on more shortly.



Fox starts her job:


I checked in on IW real quick tonight, so here’s my update.

Fox: You guys doing good? Army-wise?

Random IW Soldier: No [Expletive Deleted, f-word]

I think they’re fine.

I think I’ll just check with Icey next time O.o

Saint: Way to get a head start Fox

Fox: Is that sarcastic??? BTW– Since I know Meat won’t see this, I wanna make a petition to convince him to come back. We lurrrrrve him, don’t we? 😀 (Don’t answer that.)

40 Responses

  1. Uhh, okay. I think I’d probably be better at what Fox has, but I’m fine with whatever.

  2. Amazing =O

  3. You will do a great job at leaders guys!


  5. what but where dos sean go?

  6. ive never been under boomer’s command but i can tell that its going to FUN!

  7. Ok


  9. Awesome,I cant wait for the ACP division practise war.


  10. Awesome Boomer, can’t wait to roll out the new and improved ACP

  11. what happened to meat?

  12. WOOO HOOO Boomer is back!!!There maybe some good times left in armies afterall 😀

    Congrats guys!

  13. w00000000t


  15. OH YEAH! this is what i’m talking about. going and just removing the old leadership to improve ACP? yeah, boy! this is so great.

  16. “what but where dos sean go?”

    Actually, if you spelled that right, someone with inferior intelligence to me might’ve understood 😀

    I offered Meat 2ic, he declined, then I started bargaining “Fox-Free Months” 😆

    He either left and I didn’t notice or thought, “Aw, man, this girl’s so annoying. When’s she gonna retire already?” and ignored me.

    The offer’s still up, Meat, I am offering you nine Fox-Free months for 2ic. Nothing bad comes of that, ‘cept you’ll miss my charming company!! 😮

  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ACP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Threeeeee yeeeeeears ollllllllllllllllllllld!

  18. i dunno fox, that’s somewhat degrading…

  19. 2nd. Lieutenant Walewaf

    Am so glad we got this going again.
    WHo thought all this out? Great Job!!!




  20. Ok wow.

    In one day ACP goes from close to falling back to dream team leadership.

    With the elders of ACP here, ACP can rise back up!

    ACP FTW.

  21. W0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Boomer’s back! 😀
    Saint as a Field Janitor O_O
    And btw, so impeachment was used or something? :s

  22. Seth, CORRUPT? Really, ACP is doing what RUMA did. Now Meat can leave but this is what I call a Dream Team 😎


  24. LET’S SUCCEED!!! 🙂

  25. FYI, half of the overthrownees just joined IW…

  26. this seems like it just happened a while ago with the nachos…

  27. Yes it is a dream team

  28. hey, you know what we should do?

    GO ON CP.

  29. cool


  31. This leadership is awesome! 😀


  32. Boomer coming back means Acp are coming back. Cp armies will come back. And no more Sean =D

  33. Hey what division am i in? fox, even tho im not in ur position, i advise that u keep in touch with armies that we’re close to like iw (i cant think of another army)

  34. hey tylov, septemer 27th is my mom’s birthday rofl

  35. *september

  36. yay!!!!!! i can tell this will be the best era of acp ever- i mean, really, tons of old leaders taking over as the leader and co-leaders and 3ic, this will be awesome!!!!!!!!

  37. I want to run for Ambassador

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