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Hello ACP.

I’m sure the majority of you all don’t know me very well, so I’m just making a brief post to re-introduce myself.

I am Jedimaster17, more commonly known as Jedi or Ankita.

(I was the first Jedi, not Seth (D) )

I was the old co-leader back when Boomer was in power.

As he came back, I decided to do the same.

I will be serving  as Co-leader

I retired due to a variety or reasons, foremost amongst them, I was causing my parents much stress, and also hurting myself.

Thus, I’ve come back on a self-trial basis.  If I can contribute to ACP as a co-leader, and manage my extracurricular and academic activites, I’ll stay, if not, I’ll become an advisor.

I’m telling you guys these things to assure you that I’ll give my very best, and try to remain active, and not just be a lame duck.

I look forward to working with you all.

Yours, etc.


16 Responses

  1. It is a pleasure to have you back 😉

  2. A pleasure to work with you. 😉
    (Long time not used, eh?)

  3. 3rd!! W000000T CANT WAIT

  4. Alrighty jedi, have fun (I kind of sound like a four year old…). Welcome back to THE FORCE.

  5. 2nd. Lieutenant Walewaf –

    Hello Hello! Welcome. Pleasure to work with ya.

    2nd. Lieutenant Walewaf

  6. 2nd. Lieutenant Walewaf –

    Hello Hello! Welcome. Pleasure to work with ya.

    cheesy :/

  7. Alright, have a great time 😛

  8. i already quit jedi so it doesnt matter anymore

  9. Seanehawk im going on a trial with the nachos if they can treat me with respect thennim quitting acp

  10. Oh psh Pooh Bear, I remember you.

    Great to have you back deary.

  11. Yay, Jedi back! *GO ANIKA! :lol:*

  12. Hey Jedi Glad you’re back! I remember you very well at the time when I was Corporal.

  13. 😮 Well come back Jedi!This makes me remember the good old days 🙂

  14. all right! this will be awesome! i hope i get to know you better, i joined acp in may, so i dont really know a lot of people very well.

  15. I think know you pretty well… Glad to have you back :D…I’m still the same rank I was when u retired :-/

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