Rank Overhaul

TyloV5 Edit: Sounds good Boomer! And CHECK THE POST BELOW!

View the new Leadership of ACP HERE!

ACP Division War is back HERE!

I believe part of the reason ACP has fallen is not only inactivity, but also dissatisfaction.  So what crucial aspect of an army must a leader do to make a soldier happy?  The answer: The Rank.

If a soldier is promoted, he or she is willing to work harder than ever to help the army.  If a hard working soldier is overlooked, he or she will be less inclined to want to work hard.  Now you see why I put so much effort into my Promotion Days.

So what must we do to make sure the soldiers are not overlooked?  The first problem is, we have too many ranks.  We’ve added so many ranks at the top, you can still be a certain level of General and not be a high rank.  It takes forever to get to mod rank, or anything significant for that matter, which is why I propose we rewrite the ranks as follows.

Suggested Ranks:

  • General of the Army
  • Head General
  • Commander General
  • Division General
  • General
  • Lt. General
  • Major General
  • Brigadier General
  • Colonel
  • Lt. Colonel
  • Major
  • Captain
  • 1st Lieutenant
  • 2nd Lieutenant
  • Warrant Officer
  • Staff Sergeant
  • Sergeant
  • Corporal
  • Private

Ranks Dropped:

  • Master General
  • Sgt. Major General
  • Adjunct General
  • First Sergeant
  • Specialist

With fewer ranks, you will be able to be promoted to a higher rank faster.

Next is the problem of there being like 5,000 people on the ranks.  It’s nearly impossible to find who’s active with so many names.  For this reason, I think it’s time to clear out the ranks of everyone except for those who are truly active (commented on the active post).  If you did not do so, please comment here saying your rank and that you are active.  Your chances of being promoted will go up greatly once there are less people to sort through.  Let me know what you think about this.


68 Responses

  1. good idea boomer 😮 ty for ze promo

  2. Pretty good Boomer. And obviously, I’m active…

  3. You forgot my rank boomar (d) Epic Failure

  4. Johnnyluke
    1st Lt

  5. good idea i hate almost all the ranks you dropped except First Sergeant

  6. btw, GREAT IDEA!
    and saint is as good as u boomer no offence

  7. Bluey92123
    Master General
    sorry i didnt comment on the first one, i didnt think i would return.


  8. Mchappy2
    Good post, I agree! 🙂

  9. Seargent Major General Jcapp who you just added

  10. The ranks are awesome!


  11. maxthepen
    I have a question though. Would I be a Maj. General? I had been promoted on promo day but declined it so…. 😐

  12. Fern1232
    2nd lieutenant

  13. I think,its an awesome idea. I tottaly agree. I commented on all the 3 active posts XD


  14. LOL YOU STOLE MY IDEA. You forgot Private 1st class. Which is after Private.

  15. Were Promotions done already? Or were just those mods ranks blank filled?


  16. Good idea. You guys definitely needed to drop those ranks.

  17. Commenting for insurance XD Houndy66 (Redrarehound on ranks) Lt. Gen ACTIVE

  18. Also I suggest Major general should be move up to mod rank as it was before,since it was like adding one more member rank,and the mod rank is not that full now. It just looks like on xat there are a lot of mods from mod rank but,most of them are legends with modship.


  19. Noseycjr

    Major General (mod rank please!)

    Active as usual.

  20. Wait so will the 1st sergeants become warrent officers or staff sergeants?

  21. Ps Im ACT

  22. *Im Active sorry about that.

  23. youg3
    Rank still pending
    will be active once i get my rank

  24. Chase50 Major Active

  25. Blizzardbox
    Very active

  26. dan 9765



    ps ive been a major for ages

  27. mrchips10



    i have been a major for ages asweel

  28. Hasanb123,

    Now where is meh promo

  29. And what rank do I be? 3ic command you promised Boomer XD

  30. Great idea! Not sure if I commented on the active post, so…

  31. dude looks like u need help like ranking people if u really do need help i could arrange some and rank some if u want cos i am willing to

  32. i mnot sure if i did this on active post but

  33. great idea!
    Ultra Active


  34. I love the new ranks!

  35. I already did a lot of active posts, but i’ll do this anyway.

  36. I think this will be great nice idea boomer

  37. Smsm3(wwehardywwf is banned forever)



    double promo plz Im so active here

  38. Good idea, Already commented on the active post…



  39. I left a comment on the active post,but just to be sure you dont take me of the ranks by accident,
    Johny 4

    Major general


    And nice post Boomer!Its awesome to have you back!

  40. Great post Boomer! btw I’m Active. XD

  41. Ive been active.My orignal rank was colonel.Because i started at warrent officer casue i was a noob.But then I rejoin and I get sgt?Well as long as we go back to ze old days Im cool with it. 😆

  42. OF COURSE im Active

  43. dude im an SMG am i going to get demoted or promoted?

  44. Jjdj235
    Staff Sergeant

    P.S. can i get a higher rank because before i retired from acp, i was brigadier general

  45. Divotoo
    Div. General

  46. I like this post good work Boomer

  47. as334

  48. AWESOME!! now i am only 2 ranks away from a mod rank 😀 Yayyyyyy!!!!!!!! This is a greta idea. and a good to clear out the ranks because just about everyone in corporal rank is inactive and there r like 2,000 or them.

  49. soccer793
    I have a suggestion, don’t make a post about something that is happening on the same day or the next day so that penguins get a little more ready for it 😉 .

  50. Uno148
    Adjunct General

  51. Fiasco 121
    Brigadier General

  52. Kenneth1000
    Sergeant Major General

  53. good idea

  54. yes, im ACTIVE! 😀

  55. Djgtjvgyhxgy
    Brig General

  56. I commented on the active post, so i’m good for that.

    and that is a very good idea, i have realized over the last few months that there are a loooottttt of ranks, and its kinda weird having so many names on the ranks page when less than like 600 actually are active.

  57. Whats going to happen to my rank my rank was on of the overhaul ranks do i get a promo or a demo? XD demo!

  58. The Flapjack
    Major General
    STILL active.

    I hope I get a promo, I’ll be a mod!

  59. MJTmastercp
    My rank is staff seargent
    Still active maybe retiring

  60. shahked
    im active
    rank cooparal

  61. Ive Commented on active post.

    Love the ranks!


  62. or we could just forget ranks and make soldiers happy with war.

  63. uh…which active post are we speaking of? uh…well, i’m active…

  64. Im an Adjunct General. What would happen if my rank was dropped?


  65. Red Jaguar 1
    First Seargent
    Active and Loyal Soldier

  66. Exblade315
    1st Lieutenant

    P.S- Boomer, i stole your cookies

  67. Redsox07

    I am pretty sure i commented on the active post but just to make sure

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