For the sake of pure organization, I am restarting ACP WAR! from the beggining.  Welcome to the first ever true practice war.


A conflict has broken out between Alpha, Delta, and Echo and war is almost upon us!  You need to prepare, train, and get ready for battle before it is to late!

In this upcoming war, Alpha, Delta, and Echo will be battling it out in true war for a week’s time.  No points, no judges, war like its meant to be.

Each Division will start out in a server as a base.  This will be this server’s military base of operations.

Echo: Snow Globe

Alpha: Klondike

Delta: Ice Breaker

The point of this war is to invade and defend the three servers up for grabs in this war.  Though its not as simple as that.  There is as many ways to play this war as there our fake digital snow flakes in Club Penguin.

But before we can get to the war, there is much thats needs to be decided. And first off, who will be your sole division leader?  Though the Generals are who control your division you need a single onto make decisions as an army leader with the other generals serving as co-leaders.  Your division leader must be active, and must have the knowledge to make all major tactical decisions and to lead the battles that must be won.  Your division can agree on someone or hold an election.  That is your decision, and it must be made within 24 hours.  Report it to me in PC.

Thats is all for now, good luck.


9 Responses

  1. […] ACP Division War is back HERE! […]

  2. pointless echo always wins

  3. hey what division am i in?

  4. good, we are restarting. cuz stuff got pretty messed up last time.


  6. acp gonna win!!!

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