Jedi’s second edit: Let’s take some time to read a comment by our allies, shall we?
ACP are just angry at Ziehen because Ziehen tends to side with Nachos on most topics, which I am happy he does.
16 12 2008
R O F L Aka. You literally crack me up. ACP’S angry that RPF sides with Nachos. Righttttt.
I think the fact of the matter is a lot of us are in RPF, and have friends here..and thus don’t want a civil war. That probably won’t happen anyways.
No Aka, want to know what we’re really mad at?
You leaving aggravating comments everywhere, without realizing what the situation.
You didn’t even understand the meaning of my comment..or Ctars.
I’m obviously concerned with RPF, as it’s my 2nd army. Ctar doesn’t want RPF to fall apart..Not that it will.
Secondly, why don’t you take your own advice : “. Think about what you say before it comes out of your mouths, ACP, or it will be shoved up your ass.” “You taking your own advice would be a delightful thing.
You, go off and basically accuse ACP with some retarded allegations, which make absolutely no sense.
Jedi : :Roll: I didn’t mod coleslaw, I’m not modding magic, and same with Dj. I mod only leaders, and ranked people. No, I don’t mod for Government. So.. go blame someonelse. I promised you this night, and I didn’t mod anyone else..
Second: Bluespeed (aka Mitch) you are demoted 1 rank and are unmodded for 2 weeks for showing inappropriate links AND banning numerous people for no reason. Since the chat is in my email I get the ban complaints and one of them that I looked at showed you banning the person for 6 hours for no reason.
Third: Look at the post below about the Boot Camp. The more the leaders see you participate the better chance of a promo you will get so if the boot camp needs help, helping gives you a good image. 😉
Filed under: ACP |
1st. He was a somewhat bad moderator, but I’m sure he’ll bite me for saying that later.
Shab: Blue has his crazy days sometimes
ok third and fourth
Well. Here we go, ACP is about to go into turmoil again. Shab vs Ankita II: The Rematch. This should be fun.
Oagalthorp: If they fight, they BOTH get demoted! 😀
Anyway, no — they won’t be fighting.
thank you shab
you right ctar. here it goes again. shab if theres any way at all that I can help with anything here just tell me. Im usually on chat. please,!
Oagal, (errr Oatmealwarp if you’re more familiar with me calling you that) I can freely admit that ACP > UMA, seeing how UMA has fallen so quickly, and you’re still the leader, where Pink Mafias just gave up, so easily.
^and since I can’t edit posts I have to add this in here:
I came back, I haven’t played club penguin in a year. I see you as a good leader who doesn’t abandon his troops. Good job. Now I’m off to moderate some forums, and all the usual stuff.
Oagalthorp: Wow, that’s a blast from the past — you were the first UMA soldier I ever talked to. I remember that once we were in the Night Club, and I said the ACP is better than the UMA. Than you said :(. lol
Anyway, I guess you could say I’mback, but I’m in the process of leaving this army in the hands of Boomer, Jedi, and Shab, who are all entirely comptetant leaders.
Its nice to see you back, though! 😀
Umm… Oagal quit months ago.
I never got the message I was banned on the chat but some idiot banned me for no reason for ever!
and it also gagges me so I can’t even talk. not even pc’s!
To Micheal472: I don’t want to be offensive but, can you read????? UMA never fell, well it did once but shadow( hollow ) made us back to normal, after pink quit not becuase he just left us, like hi pink
pink: hey im quitting bye new leaders angel.
No, he told us and he said it got boring, I mean he was like 13 going into 14, If I was that age I would call it boring and go, we arent dead, just not as big 🙂
Boomer20!!!!!!!Can you do somthing about Seanehawk?!?!?!He got my best buddy on CP banned forever!!can you please demote seanehawk or something?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i really need your help!and if you dont do somthing about seanehawk one of the armys im in is getting all their allies(Nachos,GG,Shadow troops,RBAA,KWPD,LVAS,Spartans,ETC)please help!!
THomas is lying.
Yeah, the moderators took up most of the chats population and over 1/2 of the users on ACP xat on Sunday (I’m not sure what time) were mods!
I got banned by an owner I think because I went into acp chat and I left my house for a minute so they might have thought I was spying buy only an owner can unban me and when owners are on I cant ask them to unban me not even in pc so if an owner is on acp chat and see a banned penguin named AxevoLution like that please unban me.
hello acp. i am the leader of the silver surfers. also, i am a general in the cp clones. im sure u ppl know blueswill. guess wat, he is now banned, because seanehawk reported him for saying”shots” and other ppl have said it around him, but they werent banned. Also, i would like to know if u would like to become allies, if so, meet me in snowfall server at the snow forts on dec 16 at 4:30 pm, k
I really don’t think Oagal has the right, nor the power to demote ACP Leaders 🙄 That should be up to Boomer; and possibly the rest of ACP.
Oagalthorp: That was a joke; I’d hope you would have caught on to that. 🙄
I say we should not base mods off of ranks, because basically ranks are just if you are active enough. And make good impressions. We should mod users who show leadership, responsibilty, etc. etc.
Because half of the mods just sit there not banning someone who breaks the rules. But breaks them themselves.
Hmm well we wouldent attack…erm i hope not atleas
“silversurfersleader” here’s ACTUALLY what happened, Me and blue got in a fight on cp and he called me a horse’s ass, so a club penguin mod banned him. And same with me. You don’t have to report to be banned, reporting doesn’t even do anything. Stop blaming people for things they didn’t do. Blue cursed so he got banned, and i cursed so i got banned. End of story.
KICK HIM OUT I THINK HES THE ONE THAT BANNED ME FOREVER ON CHAT cuz all i kept saying is i need back up and he bannnedd me
hey, i know something that will cheer you all up! wait, no i don’t. oh well.
i still don’t see why no one knows that a lot is two words. the word alot is not in the dictionary! it doesn’t exist!
Michael, can’t you and the rest of ACP get over that stupid war? Pink is gone, so leave them alone.
Oagalthorp: He never mentioned any war. It looks like you are the one who needs to get over something. 🙄
Yeah mitch, like whenever you kicked banned or guested me for no reason
theres losers on the chat they ban me for no reason
oagalthorp, we need to end this world war. i think all leader of armies should have a meeting to discuss the situation all the armies have gotten into, which id world war four. i personall think we should end it. and hopefully, not start a new world war. i would also like to discuss matters on if u r allies or enemies.
silver surfers leader smoco out.
First of all. Silversurfer, there is no world war. Next Ankita, u do mod people who r not leaders or “legends”. But like I said, chill guys we dont need another civil war in ACP. Cause if that happens we r vulernable to a army attacking us. And we dont wont that now do we. And Boomer, Im not attacking u, in fact I support u, but we need u step in.
We need one Owner, and/or a list of people who should be Mods.
He did meantion the war. He was talking about Pinkmafias, who I find is a very respectful character, who leaves when he SAYS he will leave.
Hey everyone! Im having a party ‘cos I’m turning 600 in CP!!!!!!!
Server:Ice Box
Date:Friday 19th of December! (Thats right Xmas party!!!)
Where: Dock to start with!(We’ll be moving around!)
Time: 12:00 PST
Why:Im turning 600!
Whos invited: Everyone is!
Stuff we’re going to be doing: Dancing, Sled racing, manclana, find four, Card jitsu and storming cp!!!!!
BE THERE!!!!!!!
Personaly I am against A mod line in the ranks. A moderatr is someone who trustworthy and agrees with the rules. 75% of the mods dont use the rules and let other people and themselves break them. A mod
Then again, who cares what I say. (XD)
Ankita burned Aka. lol. I bet he wont come on here anymore. lol
Ughh that may be a scar to nachos……..i will say one thing we are defineatley far from our golden days
Happy Birthday Boomer!!
I will be having a party as well!
When: 20th December, 7:00 AM PST.
Where: Icicle Dock.
Why: 5,000 hits on MA site! (
Who’s invited: Everyone!!!
hey oagalthorp, i would like to have a meeting with u for several issues. one, if ACP is an allie of mine or an enemie. and two, the siuation in world war four.
Ooooh.. Aka is pretty ugly. xD
Aka just got served!
If you play Pirates Online, be sure to join my army at I know that theres crews and guilds but I just want to make an army thats all since Blueswill is banned forever on CP.
Also there is kinda a World War 4. More like a Small Army-Medium Army war. I think thats what Silversurfersleader wants to talk to you about.
Aka got owned by Ankita XD
wow okay i’ll accept this but do i get my rank back…… ever?
ALL of that was on my post xP
– Lpg 123
err I see you misunderstood me.
The fall of the TRUE UMA was when Pink quit. I respected him, but don’t think he should have quit, being the leader of a powerful army, and all that…Well anyways, I guess I should just leave since I haven’t done anything rlly positive here…
in clubpenguin the gift shop and the lounge are never decorated please concider this we need it to be active and make it better thankyou bye
The gift shop and the louge and some other places on clubpenguin are not decorated or active so please concider my points of veiw thankyou bye