Today, Shab and I met with Dani (Db Penguin), Fishguitar11, Aang777, and Johnnyboy43 of the Club Penguin Air Force. Oagal had been discussing a possible treaty with Dani, so this meeting was to discuss the details of the alliance. I am happy to announce that we have made a treaty that will make ACP and CPAF close allies. I would like to thank Oagal for setting this up, as well as Shab, Dani, and the other leaders of CPAF for helping make this possible. You can read the contents of the treaty below or visit the CPAF site for the original document. The link is
Also, make sure to read the last two posts below if you have not already.
Once signed and agreed to by the treaty writer and both leaders (co-leaders too, if wanted) the treaty will be finalized. The CPAF will stay its own army and keep its title, uniform, leader(s), etc. In battles and wars the CPAF will represent both itself and the ACP. When ACP goes to war the CPAF will help them and vice versa. The CPAF will continue its operations on the CPAF website and continue doing army specific missions. If there is any confusion, the CPAF’s role in this is like the SSACP was for ACP. Even if the leaders change, the treaty is still valid. The treaty can only be broken if the leaders from both armies agree. CPAF will be allowed to enter ACP nation servers and battle enemies and such. The leader and co-leader(s) of CPAF will have separate ranks in both the CPAF and the ACP, but no other CPAF soldiers will have ranks in both armies.
Signed by:
Boomer 20 ACP Leader
Shaboomboom ACP Co-leader
Db Penguin CPAF Leader
Fishguitar11 CPAF Co-leader
Aang777 CPAF Co-leader
Jonnyboy43 CPAF Co-leader
Filed under: ACP |
The meeting was very successful. I’d like to thank Boomer and Shab. The CPAF appreciates this very much, our thanks goes out to you and the ACP. I hope we work closely again in the near future. It’s an honor to fight beside the ACP.
Boomer: The pleasure is ours as well. Thank you for meeting with us for this treaty. We are pleased that we were able to make this work and look forward to the benefits it may bring.
Im glad our leaders settled things, maybe now we’ll have some fun!!!! 😉
Oh man. Welcome back CPAF. This is going to be great, move over RPF, cause CPAF is our closest ally. Welcome back Db Penguin, its going to be an honor to fight alongside one of the first female leaders in CP Army History. Now we’re talking 😉
The future of the CPAF and ACP looks good.
This is a honor.
Wow, Ctar and Sheila, thank you so much for what you said. That really means a lot. And thank you too, Boomer. 🙂
Great! I love having awesome allies!
Oh, it was no trouble at all, you’re welcome. 🙄
Lol, jk.
Boomer: Yeah, give Oagal some credit for setting this up 😀
I added a thank you section so people know 😉
Well, looks like we got more Airborne. Hoorah!
I’m in Acp Airforce so that made me a bit happy 🙂
sweet, im joining right now.
Thank you CPAF, for your alliance and trust. I look forward to working with CPAF at good times and bad.
I get back on my computer in 1.5 hours, but I will be asleep then.
Rap, you should sneak on at night. I plan to tonight.
The thing is my parents are watching a movie where my laptop is. Aha! Ialmost spelled laptop wrong. That would’ve been my first spelling error on my Wii. I would be on my PSP but the internet takes forever to load.
Dang, forgot a space. 🙁
And me sneaking online is what got me in trouble so…
can faf have a treaty i need an allie besides uscp
Oagal sorry for not thanking you, heh, I completely forgot! I owe you big time! Haha. *Goes to write a thank you on the post at the CPAF website*
I was just kidding. 🙄 But thanks for the thanks.
[…] The ACP-CPAF Treaty of Alliance « The Official Army of Club Penguin Website – November 29, […]
intresting treaty,
this may hold some oppurtunitys for both ACP and CPAF
i am glad that we have made another alliance with CPAF
i quit
i quit take me off ranks
pathetic, even though i think its great we have another allie, they are minor and to think we-the acp would need a minor army to help is pathetic. great allie oagal (roll)
Oagalthorp: What’s your probelm? I’ll have Alpha greet you on the Blacklist.
got new allies eh
cool new allies !
welcome cpaf to our allies list umm sheila and rap plz read this im sorry about the last few days
Wait until you see CPAF in action and in battle before you go making assumptions and calling us “pathetic”, Meggis1234.
Being allies with a big army like ACP is an honer 😀
meggis, i think you should give oagal more credit! he does need thanked, plus, who cares how big they are! as long as its an allie, i dont care.
Great this is exactly what I wanted to happen so we can become stronger and freindlier!
where did acp move to?cuz i wanna join
whos a beast imma beast