W.I. v3.0

Website Improvements Version 3.0

I figured the ACP website needs a little bit work to make it more attractive to new recruits that come here every day. I will just be adding a little color and some pictures to make us look more organized. Here’s what’s coming with the improvements.

·        More Attractive, Colorful Pages; all the pages will be retyped in Microsoft Word (like this post) and will make everything stand out and add more information.

·        More Organized Blog roll;the ultimate blog roll page will be removed and the blog roll in the widgets will be re-organized and will have more categories.

·        More Organized Posts; there are posting categories that will be edited. Since we usually don’t file posts into categories almost every post says “filed under 1”. That’s going to start changing.

·        And much more changes as well.

Please remember DO NOT STICK POSTS ON THE FRONT PAGE UNLESS IT IS IMPORTANT LIKE POLLS OR BATTLES. This means you if you’re one that thinks that what you have to say are more important than everyone else’s.


21 Responses

  1. Oh, and we should have a war pictures page, like the Nachos. Ours are better anyway. lol

  2. lol, I was thinking of a tactics page as well.

  3. Yeah the war pics page is a good idea. There’s a bunch on here and a bunch on my computer that I can add. I’m sure we all have some. Good ideas Rap and Oagal. Rap you can do the blogroll if you want. Maybe a tactics page, but I haven’t decided if it should be private or not. We definately need a practice battle. I’m hoping to get the ranks in by tonight so someone can make practice battle teams. Either that or we could use the Divisions. I think we should turn this into a privated page so we can add stuff to it easily in the future. Good work guys.

  4. You should put your edits here instead of on the post because of the html codes that are set on there. 😐

  5. Shab: Don’t Delete The Blogroll Page. Instead, put the links onto the blogroll so people can see the different things they can do.

    I was going to put them in the blogroll, I just didn’t mention it.

  6. noodlesareyummy

  7. first

  8. That’s a good idea, Rap. I would like to help if possible.

  9. Perhaps you could have a day to day news blog and add an RSS Feed on the side so people can easily see the days news without the more important news being blocked by the main stories.

    Or you could just have a widget in the sidebar thats updated with the news.

    And by the way I think it looks stupid when it’s typed in MS Word. All the posts need is a little more care when it comes to grammar and punctuation and some categories. I don’t think the text needs to be changed.

  10. Ya Rap, good 💡 s and I really like the tactics page suggestion. :mrgreen: I do have tactic, statigys and other stuff like that 💡 s. Even if Boomer ignors me on chat. 🙄 (I now it’s not you fault.I know your doing ranks) and how do the soilders find out about the tactics page if its private. Sorry to sound like a noob or anything if I didn’t understand u 😳

  11. not the page I mean tactics for war and stuff. srry 😳 and kid u mean the news thing that RPF used to have ❓

  12. dance everyone dance!

    what, i’m happy…

  13. thaaaaaaaaaanksgiving breeeeeeak!

  14. Lol, Tom. I’m on Thanksgiving break too. 😀

  15. Good ideas! The new website will be great!

  16. sorry i have been unactive my desktop was not working LOOK IM AN AMBASSADOR LOOK LOOK !

  17. Thanksgiving what? break? lucky Americans……

  18. Wow I never thoght this website would get more improvments. Nice Job I hope it works out!!!!

    kuro wolf

  19. Lol, congrats rap… you stole my idea 🙄

  20. im the leader of acp ive always been

  21. I’m sorry head, I was never aware that you the same idea.

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