I have heard word of a rebellion lead by capuzzi. Her reason for it is that acp has a poor government even thou i had a meeting today to plan up a government. If you can answer these questions then plz comment the answers:
1. Did today’s meeting draw up any ideas?
2. Why was the rebellion started?
3. What can i do to not have a rebellion?
Ranks: will be out Sunday (promo days r still on the last day of the month except for this month)
Govenor Elections: Will be made public either tomorrow or monday depending on if i can get enought ppl to volunteer to help (Comment here if u r above brigadeer and can check the comments and write who is running for what server/sector) Shab: i have gotten 2 pll to help me. if i need any more i will ask.
Government Meeting: I will set up another one of these sometime next week because the meeting today did not work out as I planned.
I have been talking with capuzzi who agreed to stop the rebellion if things in acp changed. I have also been gettin complaints about kg doing nothing. Kg u can decide what to do about that.
Filed under: ACP |
1 No 2 They though the changes were bad 3 Change the way you gouvern us
3rd! nothing. I’m not rebelling. Unless going to Rapidies army is considered rebelling. I’d like to have a rank as Head Strategist. =]
Shab i think i know what the rebellion is about people were promised new ranks would come out last night and now we hear they are coming out next week, people dont like waiting Shab also we need elections for Govenor and Senators immediatly or there is no order so i think we should start elections tommarow before war breaks lose
hmm. I don’t know… To stop the rebelling, maybe you should listen to what they have to say. hear them out. Then just work it out. A lot of them probably didn’t get a rank they wanted. Some probably didn’t get enough attention they thought they needed.
I willl be on all day.IW has already agreed to ally with me so dont try any funny stuff.I cant believe i had to resort to this.
I’d like to run for governor or senator. And to let you know, I’m not allowed on chat ever again. So try not to have many chat meetings, just make a place to comment a lot, and then just delete the page after it’s over. Don’t forget, “Biokid0 for Governor or Senator!”
what you got me on the blacklist now cause my comments never show up
GUYS YOUR NUTS!!!!!!!! why would you rebell anyway you guys are so stupid i stand by acp and rapidy and that is that! you go rapidy! you i will fight any body who is a rebel! GO ACP FOREVER!
war of species right now at forest
saturday august 30 6:54 pm
animals vs penguin attackers
I will help with elections.The rebellion is shut down.No hard feelings
WOW guys. kg has been leader for like 3 days.
He and shab are doing stuff or is new ranks, meetings about government, and elections not “ANYTHING” 🙄
sorry i could not make it to the meeting
Darn you have to be an brig. or higher to run for governor?
i want to run 4 governer
I’m going to run for govenor. I also will run for Senate.I think you schould do a rank just for higher ranks.
PS Kg’s done quite, a lot.
Join my army at http://centralinvestigationsagencyofclubpenguin.wordpress.com
my rank will change
IM RUNNIG FOR snowy river in rpf they just picked me im not even in rpf no more but i would ilke to run for gov in acp
you know wolfs are there right
im runnin
reese were not runing
the real acp warrior
I wanna run as govnor shab I pretty well know around here now so maybe ill get elected well cya
Ima run for ice breaker
i wanna run for snow forts
ill run for govenor shab.
i wanna run for tundra
the real acp warrior
is the invasion gonna happen today???
you should probaly check this out http://acpbootcamp.wordpress.com/
im not a begginer F.Y.I ive been here since march 2007.
Due to your mens’ hatred with Fever, I shall request a declaration of war against the acp. The war will consist of guerilla warfare. I have led several attacks on Mammoth. If the ACP has the right to control all of the North American servers, then we have the rightful claim to control Flippers. This is not a major war I’m waging with you. It’s a revolt against the ACP’s tyranny. I agree with several Fever fans in this blog that the attack was an invalid move. My cousin and friends have conducted small raids on your officers. We(me and my cousin) have learned that some of your officers planned to overthrow the PSA(despite the fact they are secret agents too) while you attacked Flippers. They were at Mammoth at the time. You have many bad soldiers and officers. This campaign I am waging is already set. Don’t take it too seriously. It’s more like a fun-revenge war.
I changed my mind. What about a peace treaty? As you can see Fort57, how about joining forces? I mean we are both powerful forces. WE should form the BIGGEST army ever!
Please agree to the peace treaty. Or else you will deal with the Fever Fighters at Mammoth.
If you want help shab I will be willing to do so. I am always on and very dedicated. Trust me, so if you need help just comment back or something.