Also: Revised Army Tournament by Oagal! *****GOVERNOR ELECTIONS REGISTRATION*****


EDIT: Okay, I can take a hint. Some people, who will not be named, are being kinda wimpy, think that the ACP has changed the tournament so that the ACP wins and everyone else loses. :O Well I find it unfortunate that some people would sink so low that they become narcissistic, self-centered psychopaths totally and entirely committed to the untruthful, conspiracy-theorist’s notion of an honest man’s “clever yet poorly though out plan”s revalation. So, do whatever you want, Kg. But here are my terms.

  1. Half-hour battles.
  2. Only one battle per army, per day.
  3. Don’t let the small armies win without a challenge. This should be fair.
  4. Have the ACP fave the Golds at least once. I want to prove something to the Nachos. Muahahahaha 😀 . . . .

 (omg, is dat ogal?!?) Yes, this is. This is also the last time many of you will ever hear me speak (or see my typing). So listen well. This is my final wish — along with the wishes I made in my “last post” — compete int he tournament the RPF is hosting. Only it needs a few adjustments. Here they are:

Friday, May 16, 4:00pm – 4:30pm PST:

  • Group 1: ACP vs. PRA, at Breeze, UK (starting at Snowforts)
  • Group 2: RPF vs. UMA, at Wind Chill, UK (starting at Snowforts)
  • Group 3: Nachos vs. Golds, at Iceland, UK (starting at Snowforts)
  • Group 4: Watex Warriors vs. Ice Warriors, at Sherbert, UK (starting at Snowforts)

Saturday, May 17, 1:00pm – 1:30pm PST:

  • Winner of Group 1 vs. Winner of Group 2, at Breeze, UK (starting at Forest)
    Winner of Group 3 vs. Winners of Group 4, at Wind Chill, UK (starting at Forest)

Sunday, May 18, 3:00pm – 3:30pm PST:

  • Championship Round at Breeze UK (starting at Cave)!!!

Just a  few rules:

  1. It needs to be videotaped, just for future refference as to which army won each battle. NO EDITING OF THE VIDEOS TO FAVOR ANY CERTAIN ARMY!
  2. After the half-hour battle, the two army leaders (and a judge) will decide the winner. TomY, you can be the judge because you’re fair. 😉
  3. Once you lose a battle, you are out of the tournament.
  4. If you are not in either of the dueling armies, don’t visit or participate in the battle. You can see it later on video.
  5. Have fun!

I will leave any details left unsaid to TomY and Fort57.


It’s the moment you all guys were waiting! The second election in the DRACP (Democratic Republic of ACP).

Here is how does this work:

1. There will be 4 people in the elections of the following servers:



-White Out

-Snow Day

-Snow Fort

-Ice Breaker

-Winter Land

2. There will be 3 people in the elections of the other servers.

3. Mammoth and Grizzly are not in the governor elections.

4. There will be 3 people for the elections of “sectors” (subpages). They must be Field Marshals and Generals only.

5. Everyone are allowed to be in the elections, WHILE THEY ARE IN ACP.

To enter as a governor or head governor, you should complete the following form:


1. Penguin Name

2. ACP Rank

3. Do you go to wars?

4. What is your main army?

5. Do you go on ACP Chat?

6. Why do you want to be a governor?

7. What would you do as governor?

8. Server you would like to get.


1. Penguin Name

2. ACP Rank

3. Do you go on wars?

4. When did you join ACP? (Month-Year)

5. Were you in another army before?

6. Do you go on ACP Chat?

7. When was the ACP created?

8. Why do you want to be a head governor?

9. What would you do as head governor?

10. Sector would you like to get.


The servers in the elections (servers marked are the servers who have already 4 or 3 people in the elections):

Blizzard (FULL)




-Pengu 1

Iceberg (FULL)


-Sheila Gally


-King Callum I

White Out (FULL)

-Mastha Black




Flurry (FULL)




Snow Fort (FULL)





Ice Breaker (FULL)



-Boomer 20


Winter Land (FULL)

-Lucario98765 (Luc)


-Kid Robot






-The Jungle N







