ACP Needs Special Ops


I have discovered a new way to win battles. In order to do this we will have some soldiers become “Special Ops”. In order to be recruited you need a ton of clothes. Tell me if you would like to join the Special Ops, so I can meet you on the ACP chat and give you your new Top Secret orders. We need at least one or two of these soldiers to attend the battles this weekend.


Remember our big invasion this weekend to clear any evil armies out of Mammoth.


-Friday – Sunday,

-August 10, 11, 12,

-Mammoth USA,

-In the Dojo



Until later,

March on!

26 Responses

  1. 1st comment

  2. ill be speical op

  3. theres this new army who hates acp and theyre huge!!!!!
    What army?

  4. i would like to be a special op Oagalthorp

  5. Can I be a special op?I have ton of clothes!(like you said the special ops would need)

  6. i would also like to be a special op. i hav every clothing item in the catalog for the past couple months.

  7. Sunburn96 signing up for a special op sir. I am a very old penguin and have clothes from 2005

  8. i have all the clothes from club penguin ever since sept.
    plz let me be a special op

  9. oaglathorp i changed my mine. i’ll join the special opps sir.

  10. heres an army to be at war with:
    there the evilest army ever. the leader is kickeon
    he think hes a “sorcerer” go to this site;

  11. the site is mine though

  12. u made me 1 on chat but what rank am i ?

  13. I want to be a Special Ops.

  14. ill be special op
    altough my times r limmited
    i have tons of clothes and mi friend wants to know whats the non member uniform???
    and whats IA n e way i will be special op

  15. Can i be one?

  16. oagal ill be one actually ill use duckmann (yes i made him a member)

  17. I’LL BE ONE

  18. I’ll be one


  20. oagal why did y ou take me off your fiend list at the war in mammoth i know I was in the golds uniform but I was still helopin you and i’m part of acp

  21. Oagalthorp I’m sorry. I needed to clear my head, is it ok for me to join again?

    Lietunant CTAR

  22. i wana be a specil op

  23. Oh yeah I think the war was like lol like really early. STOP THE WAR AND JOIN AOP. THE NON-FIGHTING CLUB PENGUIN TEAM OUT TO STOP THE FIGHTING AND WARS.

    Leader of AOP,


    P.S. Because we want to stop the war, we win every war because the wars have to end!!!!

  24. oagal i will plzzzzzzzzz

  25. how did i…. get here?

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