Hello ACP ❅

❅ Background and Pin:

❅ Hornament

❅ Sleighing it

❅ For Goodness Bakes!

❅ Rockhopper’s secret treasure

❅ A gift that keeps on giving

- Community Goals
Complete community goals by donating money to reap the rewards! All community goals have been reached, good job!
- Checklist
To help the community raise money for CFC, completing the tasks in the checklist gives you rewards! The tasks on it right now are:
– Ice Skating: Pretty easy, walk with your puffle at the ice rink to complete this task
– Donate 10,000: Donate 10,000 to CFC for a reward and a stamp
– Deliver presents: Go to the sleigh ride on a 4-5 bar server and deliver presents on the sleigh with 10 other penguins
– Christmas Spirit: Dance on the iceberg with several penguins to grow the tree
– Bakery: Bake cookies, this task will be available on 24th December when the bakery opens - Coins for Change
The team has a certain amount of money set aside, the way the money is distributed among charities is determined by the percentage of virtual coins in each category.
Credits to Charlie#9284 CPR Discord moderator for this explanation.
Donate coins to get stamps!
You can get the Volunteer stamp and CFC 2019 pin by donating coins:
You also get coins for donating 5k and 10k coins
❅ New Emoticons!

Click here to learn more about the Advent Calendar.

Filed under: Army of CP | Tagged: 2019 winter party cp rewritten, Army of Club Penguin, armyofcp, club penguin rewritten 2019 christmas, cp rewritten guides, cpr christmas 2019, thearmyofcp, winter party cpr | Leave a comment »