• Welcome to the official Army of Club Penguin! Established September 29th, 2006, we have been the largest and best Club Penguin community since. Enlist today and start your journey!

    ~ Roxy & Daniel

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Events of the Week(18th-24th of September)

Important Posts to Read:

US/UK Practice Battle vs AR results


It’s been a wild ride up to this point in time hasn’t it? The summer’s fluctuations and different events, etc. Breaching a solid 30+ at some points, getting that exhilarating rush from being in awe of what we can do if we work together efficiently. This past week was a hard one considering how many people went back to school, some having more chaotic schedules than others and what not. We are now past one of the biggest parts in the Fall Drop for this community.

Now is the time to utilize that spare time you find to do simple but crucial things-such as recruiting and attending events. In reality, it doesn’t take much brain power to log on and do some tactics real quick or use whatever method you use to recruit for a little. If I can tell you this, then it’s sure as heck possible. Now that we are past the first few weeks of school for most people, it’s easier to do other things now that we have adjusted. It’s time to give ACP a true rise this week.

If we do well this week and people end up putting in a lot of effort(which isn’t actually hard to do), awards such as temp ranks on chat, memberships(since I heard people wishing they had one before), promotions, private parties, etc. will be commonplace, which is something I think everyone would like to see happen. Let’s get the ball rolling aye?

Everyone has the potential to make their mark and contribute a great deal. Make sure to embrace this fact.


Remember to comment on the results posts to show you attended!

Make sure to comment on this post which events you can attend!


❗ Today’s Events ❗


Events for the Week 12th September – 18th September

❗ Today’s Events ❗

❗ UK Tactic Session ❗

When: 15th September 2016

Server: Breeze


9:00 pm GMT

4:00 pm EST

3:00 pm CST

2:00 pm MST

1:00 pm PST

❗ US Mining Expedition ❗

When: September the 15th

Server: TBA (To Be Announced)


8:00 pm EST

7:00 pm CST

6:00 pm MST

5:00 pm PST

1:00 am GMT