Comrade Clash: Ned and Carmelo

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to the latest edition of Comrade Clash, this time featuring our very own donator Ned and ACP veteran Carmelo! How well do they know each other?

Ned joined the CPA community in 2020 with the Ice Warriors and soon left, joining ACP a few months ago.

Carmelo first joined ACP in October 2010 through one of his childhood friends, he stayed with us for 2 years and then moved to Nachos in 2013 and from then until 2017, joined multiple different armies including DCP, WV, & UMA to name a few. After Club Penguin officially shut down in 2017, he quit armies for the next 3 years before returning in 2020 with IW and achieving a high rank there! He eventually parted ways with the army and returned to his first army and home, ACP.

To find out how well Ned and Carmelo know each other, I reached out to both of them for an interview.

What was your first impression of him?

Ned: we rarely talked cuz he wasnt always online but whenever he was he would always be cool

Carmelo: Well me and Ned go way back. I first met Ned when I was an IW mod back in early 2020 shortly before returning to Acp and I instantly was drawn to his kindness and his vibe was so cool. I could just tell he was gonna be a great friend from the very beginning

What’s one fun memory you’ve had with him?

Ned: nothing in particular we just had a nice time in general and that was the memory aha

Carmelo: Oooo there are many fun memories but the one I would have to choose is when I reached out to him a few months ago to check how he’s been after all these years. See when I parted ways with IW to come back to Acp I lost all connection to Ned and he kinda left armies for a good while. I reached out to Ned this year to see if he was still active and by surprise he replied to me after 4 long years and it was such a nostalgia trip to get to talk with him again after so long. Now the fact that he’s become an amazing, dedicated and loyal troop to Acp makes it a whole lot better

What’s one thing you admire about him?

Ned: he’s fun to chat with and be around with

Carmelo: Just his awesome kindness every time I enter the main chat. He’s just always so warm and welcoming and always makes me feel super happy especially when I’m having a not so great day. That’s how you know he’s a really good friend and I really appreciate him for that

If you could describe him in one word, what would it be and why?

Ned: one word is too little aha but if it has to be one then friendly because we can talk about life and stuff and me personally i wouldnt get bored
maybe interesting

Carmelo: Oooo one word to describe Ned would have to be kindhearted
He’s just such a nice friend and honestly always goes out of his way to just be a nice person and it’s hard to find genuine people in the CPA sometimes but Ned is a real one

If you had one day to spend with him, what would you do?

Ned: probably play games all day boredom would surely be out the question

Carmelo: If I had one day to spend with Ned I think I would sit down with him in a movie theatre with some popcorn and fries and just watch a loop of all our memories from the past and present
Just reminisce over old times and have a laugh

What’s one valuable lesson you’ve learned from him?

Ned: nothing really as we didn’t talk much so there wasnt really anything that i learnt in that time

Carmelo: I guess one valuable lesson I have learned from Ned is that it doesn’t hurt to be nice to someone and that is a lesson which everyone should apply to their daily lives.

Ned & Carmelo have both been in the community for a while and certainly share lots of fun memories! They seem to know each other really well! But who knows the other person better?

What do YOU think? Which comrade knows the other better? Let us know in the comment section down below!


ACP Field General & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

One Response

  1. This is a nice post!

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