Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin
BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to another edition of our Donator Discussions column, this time featuring our lovely moderator Judy! We’re giving back to our amazing donators in this column series. It’s time to learn more about Judy for our latest Donator Discussion!

Hey Judy! Welcome to our Donator Discussions column! Could you please introduce yourself to our readers – who you are and maybe a fun fact about you that not many people know!
Wooo okayyy HI I’M JUDY, a fairly new brig gen of ACP! HMMHMMM a fact not many people may knowwwww, I was on britains got talent which i dont really shout that around much LOL anddd I am left handed 😭
Thats awesome! Thank you so much for donating to our server! Could you share what inspired you to support ACP in this way and what does ACP mean to you?
Npnp!! and ofc hehe, so as some may know I’ve not been around in ACP as a member BUT i have stuck with ACP for majority of my time in CPA as a judge with judging around a whopping 50 of your battles 😭 ever since then, I did find myself in ACP a lot to talk to the people until one recent day I decided ‘yo why am i not here already??’ AND FINALLY CAME ALONG SLAY, but overall ACP has been an army I held close at heart for a while (the people as well ofc!!) and so i donated to help out in any way i can towards a place i love (:
That’s so sweet, we all love you too 🫶 Alright so – we’d love to hear your opinion on some of the current community trending topics, what are your thoughts on the upcoming Christmas Chaos tournament and have you set any goals to help secure the trophy for ACP?
OOOOO interestingg, now this is my first EVER Christmas Chaos tournament and I’ve been SO excited for this all year 😭 I can’t wait to see how it works and what really happens there and hopefully we’ll come out on top all while having fun working as a team (:, for goals I’d say definitely finding new members who can fight with us but also learn to have the same passion for ACP as us and i definitely want to try help keeping everyone motivated who’s currently here <33
Love it! Your light-hearted and bubbly personality has definitely helped you make many friendships and close connections with people in CPA, who would you say you have bonded with the most during your time in CPA?
This mayyy become a super long list but here we gooo, overall I would say three major people stood out to me when I first joined CPA, all of them helping me get involved as I have today and those people are Dreamzz, Link and Tulip of RPF (:
As a whole there’s many names I could shout out right here but I’ve gotta give it to T_T, Billy Bawb, Spin, Kimo, Jojo Teri, Buhnny and Scars for being good friends to this day and of course recently from ACP I have been much closer to Amelia, Riri, Ugly, Roxy, Chicken, Nacho, Annie, the list honestly goes on and I know they’ll become people in my closest circle for a very long time <33
Aww you’re truly the sweetest! The army community is definitely changing rapidly, in what ways do you think it will continue to change and where do you envision yourself six months from now?
Ooooooo, I’ve seen recently that many s/m AND major armies have arisen and I honestly think some will open, some will close and some will rise to the leaderboards swiftly, CPA really is unpredictable, you never know when the next big revival may happen or who it is but I have some wishes for a few to be back and running… overall though, s/m armies are really taking the spotlight right now with wars straight after opening, unique vibes, unanticipated alliances and being frequently the talk of CPA, I think if theres gonna be big changes, it’ll be with them
now the next bit, if anyone knows my army history and my name in CPAJ i’m sure many people know this will be very tough to answer accurately 😭, HOWEVER i swear guys I won’t be the one rapidly changing anymore I’ll leave that to someone else LOL… fr though in 6 months, I KNOW I’ll still be doing my thing in ACP and I don’t plan on changing that, I just fully envision myself happily settled in the great, GREEN army (:
Thats great to hear 🫶 What would you say is the BIGGEST real-life lesson you’ve learned from ACP and the army community?
Omg i could say so many things right now BUT i think this one goes for everyone and tbh it really did make me start doing it irl when i really did not before LOL – IF YOU NEED HELP WITH SOMETHING, ALWAYS ASK AND DONT BE AFRAIDDD because fr people are there to help and they’ll gladly do it, CPA really did teach me that and now i have no idea why i was ever scared to ask how to do something i was unsure of 😭
That is so true! Thank you so much Judy for joining on this interview, your lovely personality attracts everyone everywhere you go and we are truly so lucky to have you with us! Anddd that’s it for today’s interview! Do you have anything to say to our lovely readers?
No problem at all, and thank you for hosting ofc!! and omg that is so sweet ahhh 😭 I’ll finish off withhh
Thank you ACP, although I’ve not been enlisted long it definitely feels like it’s been ages and I literally love EVERYONE here, don’t ever change, you’re all amazing <33
Thank you Judy for joining me in this interview and thank YOU for reading this edition of the Donators Discussions column. Make sure to read our next release once it’s out!
What do YOU think about the Donator Discussions series? Let us know in the comments below! Who do you think we should interview next?
ACP Shamrock Bulletin Reporter & Field General

Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, Donator Discussions | Tagged: ACP, ACP Interviews, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Club Penguin, CP, Donation, Donator discussion, Donator Discussions, interview, Interviews, Judy, Lawless, Post, SB, Shamrock Bulletin |
loved this interview, welcome to acp judy!!