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Private Chats with Eccent

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to Private Chats, the column where we speak with soldiers within the Army of Club Penguin to find out more about them. Today we’ll be interviewing one of our newer troops, Eccent!

Eccent is one of our quieter troops and is already a Staff Sergeant, despite joining the army just a little over a month ago! Due to her quiet nature, few people know much about her! Read on to hear what she has to say 👀

Okayy, first question, how are you doing?

I’m doing pretty well today, thanks 😀

That’s great! Moving on, what’s one thing you like about ACP?

I’d definitely say the community is my favorite part of ACP. I love how supportive everyone is of each other, and I appreciate the efforts made to keep the community together, like hosting a variety of games throughout the week!

I love that, the ACP community is really friendly and welcoming! Speaking of, who’s helped you feel the most welcome since you joined the army?

The person who recruited me, Kailey, 1000%. She always takes the time to check in with me, updates me on upcoming events, provides helpful tips for battles and tournaments, and gives me little nudges here and there to chat with the community. I appreciate all of that!

I probably wouldn’t be as active in the events or the community in general (still working on that part lol) if she didn’t check in with me as much as she has, so I appreciate her for helping me warm up to the team 🙂

Aw, that’s awesome! What’s one of your favorite memories in ACP so far?

This just happened the other day actually! Chek hosted Super Golf on Roblox and I decided to attend, then I won the first round and received an award of 800 robux! It was my first time attending one of the game events too, so it was lowkey a special moment for me. Super stoked about the robux still 😎

Haha, that sounds like fun! I’m sure everyone would love to know more about you so what’s one thing that not many people know about you?

Aside from being pretty OK at golfing on Roblox, something that not many people know about me is that I like to paint! I’m not good at it in the slightest, but I love to paint just as a fun little activity, and sometimes as a gift!

Omg future leonardo da vinci! Let me know when you’re famous! Before we finish, is there anything you’d like to say to our readers? ^^

You’ll be the first to know lol. And hello readers, nice to meet you all! Now I’m gonna crawl back in my cave where I lurk in the Discord until the next event. Bye bye! 😎

Thank you so much for that wonderful interview Eccent! It’s been great getting to know more about you and hope to talk to you again soon!

What do YOU think about the private chats series? Let us know in the comments!
And maybe YOU will be getting interviewed in the future!


ACP Shamrock Bulletin Reporter & Field General

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