Ugly’s Appreciation Post

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Hey guys, today we’ll be telling you how to log on for a club penguin event! Just kidding, this post is for Ugly.

Ugly was inducted as the 51st ACP commander-in-chief on the 4th of February this year. He had already some experience, due to his leadership in Fire Warriors & Secret Service. Starting as a troop in the aliens in 2020 to all the way here, that’s an achievement. It soon became clear that he is really dedicated and that he pushes himself to do his best. Despite all negativity he kept going. That’s why we dedicated this post to him to show how much he really means to us. Thank you, Ugly!

artwork by Lerinie

58+ reasons Ugly is the best leader ACP could ask for

1. “his brainrot ahh humor” – anniE
2. “he’s a good leader and good for acp!!” – Hannah
3. “him not being a lazy leader” – Chek
4. “id miss his shitposts the most” – Pepsi Man
5. “He is very determined to make this army great wich gives us all motivation to push through and do 6. our best” – Star
7. “not afraid to say what he thinks” – Aurora
8. “He’s a genuinely good person” – Cheska
9. “he’s very determined and persistent” – Roxy
10. “i like how he doesn’t get demotivated” – Ned
11. “One thing I like about him is that he used to play roblox with me whenever he was bored or had nothing to do 😭 It cheered me up so much” – Noa
12. “One thing I like about him is that he is understanding! Recently, some problems happened that made me have to step away for a while, and when I went to talk to him, he understood and even offered support. 🥺 He is one of the best leaders I have seen in these 7 years of CPA” – Lana
13. “I like his profile photo choice. He always has some nice pfps and it really adds to the Ugly aspect” – Ghostt
14. “I think he is funny and a good leader” – Lerinie
15. “Sometimes he’s funny” – Pumpkin
16. “Charisma, funny, handsome 😍🥰” – Nacho
17. “He really puts all the efforts he got for ACP, and gives it his all always, his strategizing is top tier too, very nice dude as well” – HCOM Daniel
18. “He’s a very capable leader. Whenever there’s a change in leader there’s always a concern that the new leader won’t be capable of leading ACP to greatness. Ugly has proved he is capable of carrying on the ACP legacy though.” – Kailey310
19. “he’s usually really nice and just down to earth a lot” – Frantic
20. “he funny ngl” – Cubster
21. “I like how he listens to everyone, and tries to make sure everyone is happy and satisfied in ACP” – Rob
22. “Well the most awesome thing about ugly is how he’s such a great leader. He’s put so much effort into ACP and it’s pretty impressive ngl” – SinZ
23. “i fw ugly, hes not bad, like he fws me, he is not a hater, hes generally a good guy yk” – Znation
24. “well, ugly is someone i look up to in acp, and hes really nice too” – Penguin…
25. “He’s always been kind to me and compassionate in his leadership 🙂” – Mads
26. “he seems like a good dude” – imvge
27. “I like his username and his jokes, I like his leadership skills I think it’s pretty impressive” – JT
28. “hes chill, real good leader, he interacts with the lower ranks and treats them like equals, hes actually a good guy, personally i would consider him a brother” – Kaz
29. “His honesty ngl, I feel like he says the bare truth sometimes” – Hosm
30. “i dont rly know him, but hes cool” – Jay
31. “I like That he is really respectfull and is really active in chat, he clearly loves ACP” – nono
32. “Happy Birthday Ugly thanks for all the things you’ve done in ACP and I really like that you’re a chill and authentic guy to talk to wishing for the best for you because you deserve the best” – Sanya
33. “He’s cool and nice!” – Elsa
34. “I love his drive and passion for Acp!! It really motivates ya and makes you happy to be part of Acp!!” – Melina
35. “Underrated leader” – Kimo
36. “i admire him at how he doing his work every event” – sushi
37. “he takes stuff kinda lightly most of the time, chill guy” – Spin
38. “ugly, I love that  you are really nice and I admire how you keep up with every single event and you work so hard….I’m proud of you keep the good work going ❤️” – nevada
39. “he nice and very sweet 🙂 and funny” – Gabi
40. “this quote from him: “there’s no deep meaning to life, people are put here to find purpose and if you’re having fun while you’re at it then that’s half way done”” – ship
41. “ugly is a good leader and has done a lot of good things for the army. He’s also rlly chill and cool. I’m glad he was able to do good throughout his leadership and im glad to be apart of it 🥳” – Kailey
42. “one thing i like about ugly is how he is so welcoming and inclusive to everyone , new and not” – Kaylee
43. “i respect ugly for keeping it real and holding it down. people can say WHATEVER they want but he will never gaf and will always do his own thing. and u don’t see real mfs like that anymore!!!!” – Saber
44. “One of the best CiC i have ever came across after my hiatus status, during the 3rd EGCP war, he truly shown how determined he is to win despite the 104 battles, he shown how grateful everyone is both in the ACP community and the CPA community despite he is in university” – Yeeter
45. “his very slay and convincing negotiation skills” – Yesn’t
46. “ugly is a very funny man and he’s extremely easy to talk to as we share a lot of hobbies” – alu
47. “He’s pretty awesome man” – Dave
48. “He’s literally always online and I love that he puts what’s best for the army before everything else, he’s a good leader” – Riri
49. “Thank you for being such a great leader and for all of the time, effort, and dedication you put into keeping ACP a fun and safe place for so many people to enjoy! Happy retirement!” – Snowy
50. “His handsome face. He may be Ugly but he is not ugly” – Jo
51. “i appreciate his tenacity and determination which has been very quite prominent especially in the last six months. I also appreciate his thoughtfulness and helpfulness which is something I’ve had the pleasure of receiving from him many times.” – Link
52. “Happy Birthday Uglyyy” – Beasto
53. “His strong form and resolve as a leader, with much creativity and innovation.” – Diwix
54. “Hey there Ugly! You’ve come a long way since I first saw you working hard leading events as a 2ic in Dark Champions. You’ve come into your own now doing a good job succeeding a very good triumvirate with accomplishments of your own. Be proud in yourself. Have a great birthday” – Dino
55. “i really like how much he’ll gun for you to do well and support you :D” – Gabgeirl
56. “I really respect how ambitious and eager he is and I think he sets a good example for many in this community” – Shinzo
57. “Back when me and ugly used to talk in 2020, I liked his dedication and determination. Now in 2024, I can see he still has the same determination and dedication which is impressing.” – Bestpenguin

58. “innovation” – Ugly, the main man himself.

Special Messages/ Paragraph Section:

Special messages for our favorite leader!

“Ugly…what to say about Ugly. When he came into ACP under my leadership, one of the first things I saw was the motivation and passion flowing through him. Kinda like one of those anime characters who have the shadows/lighting coming from their eyes as they grow nearer to their goal. Ugly was like that. He set his sights high and never looked back. Many people underestimated him during his time in ACP but his time within the army speaks for itself. He sees the doubters and feeds off of it – how else could you lead through a 100+ battle war. That’s one thing that stood out to me about Ugly, his motivation coming in and the goals he set himself set him on a path that could’ve been very unlikely or impossible for some, yet he made it his mission and he exceeded expectations, even his own. He could be tough on himself but he never stopped and he used his motivation to get him to leader and to where he is today. I can only wish him a happy retirement and the best for the future.” – Coolguy

“As a leader, I like the dedication that he always showed, clearly wanting the best for the army which I truly admire because you could see the amount of effort that he put in so ACP kept moving forward. As a person, he is really funny and cool! Even though I haven’t really talked to him that much directly, he’s always saying fun stuff and it’s enjoyable to have his presence in chat :D” – Co-ordinator Daniel

“Good luck on your retirement Ugly. Congratulations on your run as Acp leader. You have shown that you can be a role model to many people and you have led Acp to many great heights and for that we are all very grateful. Enjoy retirement buddy hahaha” – Carmelo

“I don’t know if it’s because I was in the EGCP, but when I joined I was afraid he would be too angry, but I discovered that he is one of the best leaders I have ever seen. I really like that he is very close to the community and shows that he really has a lot of love and affection for the army” – Kazoo

“Ugly and I met 2 years ago when he became the new leader of SS, back then I would have never thought he’d be able to lead an army like ACP to the heights it’s reached. It’s really a great accomplishment, and though there were ups and downs to get where he is, he still pushed through and *did it.* Much appreciation for the guy and he also has some great memes.” – rye bread

“I love Ugly’s persistence to achieve victory despite the many setbacks he has suffered. I also love how much he cares about ACP, and how he cares so much about making sure everyone his happy and satisfied with the army. His fire and his drive to achieve victory and success motivates me personally, and everyone around him. I quite literally see picture Ugly constantly burning with passion for victory, success, and no less.” – Robot

“i havent known ugly for too long, but one thing ive always admired in him is his dedication. hes always been willing to focus on what he feels NEEDS to be done and doesnt go astray – and thats a good thing. ive had the pleasure of working with him as HCOM for just under a month and he has already revealed alot of great aspects of his personality (especially his  leadership, and overall friendliness and humor)” – Chkn

“Happy Birthday Ugly! Thank you for all the hard work and love you put into the army. You always are giving it every ounce of your energy and we r thankful to you for that – you’re an awesome guy and I hope you enjoy your day!” – HCOM Daniel

“I will always appreciate Ugly’s determination and persistence even while facing difficult competitions. One thing I’ll always be grateful is working together with him!! Although we don’t see eye to eye a lot of times I really appreciate his efforts to make things work out for the both of us. He genuinely means the best for every single individual and that’s really worth admiring. Ugly is more of a person to show he cares through actions more than words which is heartwarming. Overall he’s a wonderful person and I’m really thankful for getting the opportunity to get to know about him more while we were working together. I’m sure he’ll achieve greater things in the future because he has the mindset and willpower to do so. Happy birthday to my partner in crime!! Wishing you the bestest birthday  (only if you share your cake). ♥️” – Roxy

Art Gallery

Credits to all of our incredible ACP artists for making this amazing artwork!!

Ugly, you’re an amazing leader and have done so much for this army, we all wish you a happy retirement and the best birthday, have a good one!


Shamrock Bulletin Reporter and ACP Field General

3 Responses



  3. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Ugly! Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuu!

    ACP’s best cheerleader

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