The Legacy of ACP: The Present & The Future

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Mammoth, ACP Headquarters – Over 4 months ago a new legacy of ACP was announced, introducing myself into leadership and shortly after the retirement of Coolguy. A New Future for ACP was set in stone, and a lot has happened and changed ever since. The Army of Club Penguin today sees major changes for the present and the future, as we step into a new future full of potential and possibilities.

Stage 1: Re-establishment

Part One: Community

The community, our troops, and our soldiers have been our utmost priority for the longest time. ACP is first and foremost a community, with humble beginnings on Club Penguin but has since then far outgrown this nostalgic flash game. We are a community of different individuals, of different cultures and values amongst each other, yet united as one huge family named the Army of Club Penguin. It is our number one concern and priority to look out for the community and serve the community, what we value the most is what you feel and how we can make it better. ACP has been able to innovate and bring back new fun and exciting ideas for the community and to shine a light on the enjoyable aspect of the army. There have been a lot of thrilling ideas we are planning to introduce or bring back once again now or later, such as the Shamrock Stamps Return, Shamrock Bulletin Revamp, Veteran VC Nights, Echo vs. Alpha Second War, Code: Olympics, Clover Gambit Clash 2, Operation: Clovathon, Ally Ambush 2, Double Deck The Halls III, and many more soon to be announced! We can’t to release all the awesome ideas we are planning, but most importantly we’d like to know what ideas you think we should introduce!

Part Two: Tournament Trial

It’s that time once again when the Army of Club Penguin is set to participate in one of if not the most prestigious tournaments of the year, the Legends Cup. Throughout history, generations of ACP have worked tirelessly and put immense effort to obtain this trophy but have ultimately failed, until last year. Under the leadership of Calgocubs21, Coolguy, and Austinfraud, ACP has finally achieved the trophy we dreamed of for so long, but that now remains history. What we seek to achieve now, is beyond dreaming of the trophy, we are now set to be marked as an army that won the most important tournament in history, two times in a row, back to back. The path to obtaining such an achievement will not be easy, as we are set to potentially battle the likes of armies such as Elite Guardians, Water Vikings, and the Rebel Penguin Federation, all very strong contenders for the trophy this year. We are set to battle the Help Force, our brother allies, in the first round. It’s clear winning this tournament will not be easy, however, just like we didn’t only dream of the trophy but worked for it together as one last year, the same applies here today. We are an army who have the will, the hunger, and the fury to go against the odds and shock everyone in the community. We have proved many times that we are an army not to underestimate, and this year’s Legends Cup won’t be any different. Join us in our massive journey to greatness to create a new legacy and bring glory to the army once again, we will only win if we all stand as one.

Part Three: Leadership Update

With major changes and objectives ahead, the leadership must also see some changes respectfully. ACP’s future most of the time always gets set based on who gets introduced as the Commander-in-Chief, therefore I believe the future of ACP will be bright with this new addition to the leadership. There’s this one individual that I admired the ideas of and worked closely with over the past months, full of energy and drive to achieve the unthinkable and working tirelessly day and night for the well-being of the army and the community. She always seeks to focus on the community and in what ways we could improve and go forward, always being innovative and a great example to her fellow staff members. It is safe to say that the work and struggle she put in for the army showed clearly as she went above all expectations, was always there to help out and assist anyone in need or in struggle, and showed nothing but pure determination to be the greatest.

Therefore, with all being said, I am pleased to officially introduce ACP’s 52nd Commander-in-Chief, Roxy.

Oh what’s that? A possible secret 3rd leader soon? That’s right there will soon be a Leader being introduced as the 53rd Commander-in-Chief for ACP, completing the set of the 2024 Triumvirate. More info soon.

For now, as Roxy steps foot into cruising the ship as the 52nd Commander-in-Chief ACP will now be marching forward with a duo leadership, with each supporting and helping each other with one focus and that is the legacy of ACP. We aim to maintain the stability of ACP’s sound and secure the Legends Cup trophy soon.

Roxy is a well-known figure within the Army of Club Penguin, having joined ACP in the summer of 2020 where she went on to be a staff though shortly leaving. However, in late 2020 she returned and quickly rolled by the staff ranks to be a High Commander under Zeus and Fatchiken’s leadership. Roxy was known for her immense efforts and dedication to the Recruiting Force, having to be one of the key individuals to revive it and make it rise, as she worked as the RF supervisor and AUSIA Commander as well. She has shown great dedication over the years, and today she continues to be an astonishing and great example for the army as a whole. After all the years she has shown great dedication and hard work through all the tough times, we feel she is the most deserving to step up as the shining light for generations to come.

On Thursday, at 9AM EST, I will be officially inducting Roxy as the 52nd Commander-in-Chief of the army, we invite all troops, allies, and veterans to come to witness this iconic and historical moment. There might be uncertainties about the future of ACP, but if there’s one thing for sure the indomitable ACP spirit forever lives on and once we win the Legends Cup this year our message will be clear.

Until then, MARCH ON.


ACP 51st Commander-in-Chief

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