BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters– Welcome back to our latest edition of Comrade Clash will feature our dearest General Noa and brightly shining Major General Star! How well do they know each other?
Noa first joined Secret Service in 2022. She went inactive and came back in October 2022 when Secret Service was no longer active. After that, she joined Dark Warriors, but she soon left. She joined ACP as staff in 2023. Star on the other hand, joined her first army which is ACP where she still currently stands in today.

What was your first impression of each other?
Noa: Very friendly, but annoying (since she sent me the wrong user on cpab 3+ times and that got me very frustrated) :>
Star: Noa was a lil cutie patootie and she was really nice so i wanted to talk to her
How would you describe each other in one word, and why did you choose that word?
Noa: Flirty, do I even need to explain? This b flirts with everyone in ACP main chat.
Star: Sweet bc she is a really sweet person and she ll always tell u how much u mean to her and how she appreciates u if ur nice to her aswell plus talking to her makes u feel loved in the community!
Can you share one fun or memorable you’ve had with each other?
Noa: It’s hard to choose one, so I’ll choose one of the many times that we kept arguing on whoever is more beautiful, funny, sweet and those things :>>
Star: Us fighting abt who loves who more ( i love her more guys she is my pookie) + Me being confused abt alottt of things made me ask her 1000000 questions and she tried to answer all of em i probably made her go crazy and she is really traumatized by the sentence / star: NOAAA i have a question 😞
What is one thing you admire or like about each other the most?
Noa: That she’s able to stand up for others and able to be herself everywhere!
Star: How open she is and how she is like sweet to every person she talks to kinda and she always tries her best to help
What is one valuable lesson you’ve learned from each other?
Noa: Idkkk, you can learn loads from Star. But I do know that she taught me to be myself, cuz that’ll get you far.
Star: That we can trust eachother and that i def love her more then her like girl shush oh and that we can both always count on eachother
Looks like Star and Noa have a very close and questionable sweet friendship! Always fighting about who cares and loves the other more while having very much trust in each other. And them being open to each other with no worries whatsoever. But who knows the other better? Who will be the upcoming two comrades for the next interview?
What do YOU think? Which comrade knows the other one better? Let us know in the comment section below!
ACP General & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

Filed under: Army of CP | Tagged: ACP, ACP SB, acp shamrock bulletin, ACPSB, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Comrade Clash, Shamrock Bulletin |
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