Private Chats with New Staff: ZiTo

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

MAMMOTH, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – October 24 saw the addition of new members to the staff team following the ongoing staff applications. The first staff member we’d like to introduce to you is ZiTo.

ZiTo is not only a new Brigadier General but they are also a member of the Shamrock Bulletin. He couldn’t interview himself so I had the honor of doing so. He may be new to the Army of Club Penguin but I can tell he is a smart guy, so we can expect good things from him in the future.

When did you first join the Army of Club Penguin?

I first joined [the] Army of Club Penguin [ACP] in August 2022 because my friend Calgocubs21 needed to fulfill his recruitment totals, and because when I was a kid I didn’t play Club Penguin. I thought I would try and see what some of the appeal was surrounding it.

What are your thoughts on joining the staff team?

I’m excited to join staff. I love the concept of armies, and I think that making ACP the absolute pinnacle of coordination and diverse fun is a good goal to hold. Also, everyone that I have become acquainted with through ACP has been nothing but a joy to converse and work with.

What other hobbies do you have?

I am currently a student but that bleeds into my hobbies as I have tried to choose a path to augment and not suppress my interests. I love learning new languages, philosophies, and other cultural aspects which may differ from the ones inherited by my native culture. On top of that, Apex Legends and Minecraft are my two games at the moment, giving a nice mix of creative and action for my mind to either hone itself or give itself a break.

A philosophy student, huh? Maybe we can expect some philosophy posts to be published under the Shamrock Bulletin soon enough. In the mean time, we hope to see a lot more for ZiTo and hope the future is bright for him.

Do you want to join the Clovers staff team? We’re hiring!

Keep those snowballs coming,


ACP Advisor

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