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Top Ten Armies [6/20/21-6/26/21]

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The final Top Ten of June presents yet another shuffle in the rankings.

1. Ice Warriors [77.06] [+1]

2. Army of Club Penguin [74.63] [+2]

♦ 3. Help Force [71.48] [+0]

↓ 4. Rebel Penguin Federation [66.47] [-3]

5. Templars [50.42] [+1]

↓ 6. Silver Empire [44.16] [-1]

7. Water Vikings [42.89] [+0]

8. Special Weapons and Tactics [41.65] [+2]

9. Spartans [40.00] [+2]

↓ 10. Doritos [32.50] [-1]

↓ 11. Fire Warriors [30.00] [-3]

12. Golden Troops [29.29] [+2]

♦ 13. Red Ravagers [27.40] [+0]

[NEW!] 14. Smart Penguins [25.32] 

↓ 15. People’s Imperial Confederation [20.50] [-3]

[NEW!] 16. Thunderstruck [20.00]

↓ 17. Sea Serpents [16.00] [-2]

[NEW!] 18. Crimson Guardians [15.50]

[RETURN!] 19. Blue Ravagers [9.00]

Click here for the calculations.

  • The highest event maximum for the week was achieved by the Ice Warriors in their Graduation Party, where they achieved a size of 50.
  • The Army of Club Penguin and the Ice Warriors held the most events this week – a total of 8 each.
  • The Army of Club Penguin, Special Weapons and Tactics, and Spartans made the biggest rise this week, moving up two positions each.
  • The Rebel Penguin Federation, Fire Warriors, and People’s Imperial Confederation had the biggest drop of four positions.

1. Ice WarriorsThe Ice Warriors held a total of 8 events this week. Starting off with an AUSIA Troop U-Lead on Sunday, that saw 47 troops log on ready to lead. Sunday also saw 50 Ice Warriors log on for their EU/US Graduation Party. The week continued on Tuesday with another EU/US event that saw 47 penguins log on for their Summer Party. Next saw 37 members of their AUSIA division log on for a Fornite Inspired Training, followed by a max of 39 for their EU/US Roblox vs Minecraft Showdown later that day. On Friday, they took over the island with their AUSIA Meteor Takeover, with 37 troops in attendance. Later on in the day, they celebrated Pride Month with their EU/US Rainbow Party, which also saw a size of 37. Their week concluded with Saturday’s EU/US Capture the Flag with Silver Empire, during which a max of 40 was recorded.

2. Army of Club Penguin: The Army of Club Penguin had a grand total of 8 events this week. Starting with an invasion of Rah’s Dwarf Village with 43 soldiers prepared for battle. A battle against Templars saw a peak of 47 troops online. Another battle, this time against the Blue Ravagers had a max of 45. An event was then held, dedicated to Fluffy the Fish witnessing 46 online. Yet another battle, this time against the Red Ravagers took place with 30 troops ready to win. Another battle against the Templars, with a no show from them saw 33 ready to take action. Next, the army wore lifeguard outfits to protect some swimmers from drowning, a total of 30 lifeguards were present to prevent any incidents. The last event of the week was a colorful outfit event, in honour of pride month with 41 troops representing the diversity.

3. Help ForceThe Help Force held seven events this week. Beginning the week with a European event where 45 troops showed up. Operation: Musical Pivot then took place, with 45 Helpers ready to dance at the Nightclub. Next, the Helpers had a U-Lead training where 34 showed up. Following that, they logged on during European hours with 38 Helpers showing up for Operation: Nighthawk. Another AUSIA event was held, showcasing rainbow colors similar to Skittles – peaking at 45 troops online. Finally, the blue army hosted two events on Saturday with AUSIA and European events where 34 troops respectfully showed up for both.

4. Rebel Penguin Federation: The Rebel Penguin Federation’s week began on Tuesday as 37 of their troops logged on for an AUSIA event. Their next event was later that day when a max of 32 US troops was recorded. Wednesday then saw RPF record a max of 45 at their EU event. The next day, they held an AUSIA event with 36 of their soldiers. The EU division then returned with 49 soldiers, also on Thursday. Their week continued on Friday as 37 troops logged on for a US event. The RPF concluded their week with Saturday’s AUSIA event that saw a max of 30 recorded.

5. TemplarsThe Templars first event of the week was Sunday’s AUSIA training event that saw a max of 13 recorded. Their week continued the next day at their US event with 27 of their troops. Their US division returned on Tuesday with a battle against the Army of Club Penguin – this battle saw 32 Templars soldiers in attendance. Wednesday saw their next event: an AUSIA battle. During this battle, a max of 11 was recorded. The Templars held another training event on Thursday with 40 of their US troops. Saturday saw the conclusion of the Templars week with a 30-soldier EU battle against Special Weapons and Tactics.

6. Silver EmpireThe Silver Empire had a total of five events this week. Kicking it off invading the Water Vikings owned Frostbite server with 28 troops. Next, they once more invaded a territory, this time Summit from the Doritos peaking at 26. A defense against the Golden Troops saw 18 troops online to defend their territory. The same day, they hosted an Ice Fishing tournament with 20 silvers fighting for that number one spot. They then finished the week with a fun Capture the Flag event with Ice Warriors, where 17 penguins logged on.

7. Water VikingsSunday saw the start of the Water Vikings’ week as their AUSIA Hydro Hopper tournament resulted in a max of 17. Continuing on the very same day, 22 of their troops logged on for a European battle training. The EU division returned the next day with 24 soldiers for a battle with an army that unfortunately did not show. Their week continued on where 25 troops logged on for a Project: Conquest defense. This was followed by another defense against RR with 14 of their troops later that day to cap off the end of their week.

8. Special Weapons and Tactics: The week for SWAT began on Monday as they logged on with 27 of their EU troops for a takeover event. Their AUSIA division then held an event with 25 of their troops on Tuesday. On Wednesday, they faced the Help Force in a battle, maxing 25. Friday saw SWAT’s next event as 13 of their AUSIA troops logged on. SWAT’s week went on to conclude on Saturday with an EU battle against the Templars – during this event, a max of 25 was recorded.

9. SpartansThe Spartans held two events this week, a battle against the Fire Warriors and a tactical training to prepare for the former. They maxed 28 and 40, respectively.

10. Doritos: The Doritos had four action packed events this week. Starting with a defense of one of their lands, Rah’s village with a max of 14 troops. They decided to invade next, invading Whiteout peaking at 13 troops. Next, the defense of Summit saw 17 troops to defend their capital. The last event of the week was another invasion, this time against the People’s Imperial Confederation witnessing 13 troops to take Sidie’s retirement home.

Where did YOUR army place in this week’s Top Ten Armies? Let us know what YOU think in the comments below!

Top Ten Calculations Team

Max, Sophie, Caramel, Fatchicken88, Daniel20448, LuciferStar, Frog, ActionSpark

Top Ten Writing Committee

ActionSpark, Mchappy, Frog, Spotty

One Response

  1. Good job on winning guys

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