[URGENT] Declaration of War Against the Doritos of CP

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

“If the Army of Cp will not share the same respect as we have…” ~ Excerpt from “Eviscerating the Clover”, Doritos website.

Today, we rectify this. Today, we will treat you with the same “respect” as you have demonstrated for us.

Since the reopening of the Doritos a mere week ago, their legends have made their views of the Army of Club Penguin apparent – one of malicious lies, hatred, and borderline harassment towards our higher ranks. Our actions and intentions have been misconstrued, hatred against the Army of Club Penguin plastered not just all over their chat, but now also their website, horrendous comparisons made to incite nationalistic hatred.

To protect the name of the historic Army of CP, that has become a punching bag for everyone from the biggest to the smallest army in the community,

The Army of Club Penguin hereby declares war on the Doritos of Club Penguin


The Army of Club Penguin has always viewed the Doritos as our friends and brothers – welcoming our former brothers with open arms – opening the doors to our army prior to that amidst great distaste from much of the community – working with multiple members of the army as our own and becoming friends – encouraging and being supportive at every junction of their reopening.

However, it has been apparent that their current ranks will take no action against the hate incited by their legends. Whilst we still consider you guys friends, it seems that for one reason or the other, we don’t deserve the same respect – to the point that the first post of your website for two days literally calls to the “evisceration” of clovers – a post that calls not for the mere destruction, war, killing, etc – but for the removal of the organs of members of our army.

Part I: The Catalyst

On May 9th, 2021, we were notified by a confused troop of Lord Pain was calling for the suffering of members of the Army of Club Penguin, where I was threatened to be strangled, in the Doritos of CP main discord chat.

Excerpt of what Lord Pain said, found in DCP main chat.

Whilst Pain’s rhetoric is not unbeknownst to most – and such sentiments are plastered all over websites alike, members of the Doritos began joining in the ACP hate train. For our troops, as “allies”, to see this hatred towards the army in the chat of our allies raises questions as to why we are allies in the first place.

Pain was subsequently banned from the Doritos after our HCOM talked to them – and was then unbanned by Funky, who claimed to know nothing about the threats and trash talking going on in their main chat. 

Part II: The Comparison to Israelis and Terrorism

On the same day, as the conversation progressed, Doritos legends and UMA powers began join in, in which the Army of Club Penguin was compared to the current Israel-Palestinian conflict, where somehow our “oppression” was equivalent to the war raged by the Israeli Zionists.

These disgusting claims come at an extremely bad time as a war is currently unfolding in Palestine by Zionists. 100s of missiles rain daily upon the Palestinian people as the Israelis attempt to wipe out their land. The fact that you’re comparing a Club Penguin army to the mass killing of thousands is genuinely disgusting especially when multiple higher command members of said Club Penguin army are Palestinians, and have been affected by this ethnic cleansing, some going to public protests to speak up against the oppression.

Unfortunately, all of this has been purged and we did not take screenshots as we did not expect the situation to exacerbate to this extent. We had no intentions of declaring war. Below is me bringing the “trash talking” up to DCP, though, which shows something did occur. 

However, these sentiments have then gone public: below showing a myriad of screenshots from other chats which, whilst is not directly indicative of what was said in the Doritos main chat, echoes key sentiments of what occurred.

And of course, one of my personal favorites – comparing our recent call to arms for a Club Penguin tournament to the Israeli terrorism literally attempting to wipe out an entire race.

Let us mention once more that all of this was in the DCP main chat, until a troop came to me asking why our allies were acting this way. Let us mention that only after we brought it up was Pain banned; were their legends muted, was their chat cleared. 

I do not doubt (and I genuinely hope, for all our friendship and trust towards the DCP higher command), that they were talking about how to deal with all this, and they were distressed too. And so, we looked the other way. Even amidst the comparisons to terrorism paraded on their chats, we gave them the benefit of the doubt. We forgave.

Part III: The Public Condemnation

On May 12th, 2021, we woke up to a public statement, published by the DCP legends, and on the Doritos public website, entitled “Eviscerating the Clovers”:

Max reached out to 32op about the post, and 32op said they were trying to take the post down. So we waited. And waited. Until now.

Let us begin by addressing the accusation that ACP banned Bam.

Here is what shows up if someone is banned:

Bam left the server of his own accord. No one was banned. I can only then postulate the reason for which this post was written – and it was to come up with any excuse to publicly show hatred towards our army.

Let’s then talk about how we “left DCP to die” now. Much of this has already been explained in this post, but let’s go through it again shall we? The Army of Club Penguin strongly believes in fighting for the right cause – and fighting for what is justified. The DCP were racist, publicly sexist towards women in the army community – the DCP have harbored and supported doxxers, ones that seem to have a particular predilection towards sending pizzas; the DCP have allowed (and it seems, continue to allow) anti-ACP sentiments to run rampage in their chats despite claiming us to be brother allies; the DCP have attempted to troop steal multiple prominent staff members from our army; the DCP leaders have themselves paraded pictures of their penguins running over ACP ones, of and ACP penguin being forced to suck a Nacho’s ****. 

In what world, after all of this – is not wanting to fight for you wrong – when you showed that you were never our friends? Amidst all of this – we have always stayed quiet – perhaps if you are seeking true, equal respect, we should too have paraded anti-DCP sentiments in our own chats.

The past – we believe though, is the past. Throughout the past weeks, we have become friends with people like Rah, Wassim, and our old comrade Funky, and were looking towards building a stronger alliance of the future. We initiated the “Battle of the Brothers” as a one night fun battle to welcome some of our closest historic allies, but more importantly, to show support to some of our closest friends coming back.

What have we been repaid with? Public, unjustified hatred, one comparing the Army of CP to the mass killings of the Palestinians amidst the sensitive Israel-Palestinian conflict. Yet, we looked past this – until it became appalling clear that these sentiments were DCP’s – sentiments plastered on DCP’s official website.

As Jester so delicately puts it himself “we will not tolerate maltreatment of our own”. We have proved here today that Bam was not banned, and our guardian Mchappy has been unjustly removed for no apparent reason. Borrowing his words once more – the entire post was “unwarranted hate” based on “false accusations”.

It has become apparent that the Doritos have taken our willingness to forgive, as weakness. Let us remind you once again we took no screenshots because we wanted to support our friends; we too believed it was ‘just the legends’. What we fail to understand though, is the further action now taken against the Army of CP – in such a public manner too.

As the old rhetoric states – “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Today, we retaliate by treating YOU with the same respect you’ve given us.

If you want to “eviscerate” the clovers, you’ll have to take us on the battlefield.

War Terms:

  1. This is a 1v1 war between the Army of CP and the Doritos. No armies may declare war on either army until the war concludes.
  2. No allies allowed. No merges or acquisition of colonies may happen until the war concludes.
  3. No multilogging or any other form of cheating.
  4. All battles must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance in which the opposing army leader(s) must be notified (24 hours in advance). 
  5. All battles will count towards a total war score.
  6. No doxxing, ddosing, excessive harassment, etc.
  7. All battles must be judged by a CPAHQ officiated judge, unless BOTH armies can come to an agreement otherwise.

Any breach in the above terms calls for the unconditional surrender of the Doritos of Club Penguin to the Army of CP.

First Battle:

Sunday, 16th May


And to our friends over at the Doritos – it’s never too late to fight for your friends.

Treat others with the Same “Respect” You Seek.

Green Together, Family Forever.


CSY, ACP Leader

Max, ACP 2ic

Cubster, ACP 2ic

Robot, ACP 2ic

Kailey, ACP 2ic

Fatchicken88, ACP 3ic

Daniel20448, ACP 3ic

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Shane, ACP 3ic

Mchappy, ACP Acting PoG

4 Responses

  1. As I proud soldier in the army of club penguin I will be in attendance of every single battle. If I am hurt I hope I can be honorably discharged. Thank you ACP for creating this great community, I will be by all of your side as we charge into battle. -Proud ACP Soldier Tasty

  2. o7

  3. Let’s get to work! *Salute*

  4. […] bobcatboy10 on [URGENT] Declaration of War Against the Doritos of CP […]

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