Editorial: Should We Put CP Armies On Our Resume?

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The Shamrock Bulletin looks into whether Club Penguin armies should be put on resumés, and how skills learned in armies can be applied to the real world.

DISCLAIMER: Any advice given is this post is U.S.-centric.

Being a massive gaming community of all ages, we have members who are either in the workforce or about to join the workforce. That raises the question: should we put Club Penguin armies on our resumés? The answer is rather complicated. It can work for entry-level jobs depending on what the job entails. For example, staff members have responsibilities like organizing events, resolving conflicts, and keeping armies safe. All soldiers are expected to put in 100% of their effort, just as any manager would expect out of potential employees.

Would I advise a soldier to include armies in their resumé? I would hesitate unless they were applying for something like a volunteer position, as volunteer organizations seek exactly what armies teach (more on that later on). Unfortunately, unless the job involves reaching out to young people, managers still do not want to see gaming mentioned on resumés. Gamers are unfortunately still stereotyped as “lazy.” This is a very ignorant view, but at the end of the day, managers are the ones making the hiring decisions. While there might be the occasional manager who wants to learn more, this is very unlikely. I would not take this risk. For those of us who are more established in our careers, I would definitely say no since resumés at this point should only list jobs very relevant to our specific fields.

So are armies useless when it comes to getting a job? Not at all. Armies contribute greatly to workplace readiness. One of the biggest things armies teach is communication. Whether as a soldier or as a leader, armies heavily rely on excellent communication skills. In addition to figuring out where to meet up, resolving conflicts, and so on, armies emphasize working together, embracing our diverse backgrounds, and unity—even when we disagree with one another. Armies also emphasize organization. We learn to execute our forms and tactics as neat and quick as possible. Last but not least, armies teach us how to become leaders. We learn how to keep going when things are tough. We learn how to navigate stressful environments. We learn to make unexpected decisions on very little time.

All in all, I would advise some caution before putting armies on our resumés. It could go fine for entry-level jobs where we might not have much to write down on our resumés, but there are many managers who hold condescending views of anything associated with gaming. However, armies still mold us into great job candidates. Armies teach us to work together, keep organized, and persevere.

What do YOU think? Should we list armies on our resumés? How have armies benefited you in the workforce? Let us know in the comments below!


ACP First Lieutenant & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

2 Responses

  1. Great editorial, Tina!

  2. Wonderful post with valuable insight into this interesting topic. Thanks for writing this Tina!

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