UK Tactic Session On Breeze

Important Posts to Read:

CPA Is Meant For Fun Pt.1

Welcome New Recruits!



‘Ello, ACP!

Today, ACP logged on Breeze, Cove, and maxed 14! We stayed in cove for most of the event except for when we ran to the forest doing jokes. We stayed in a line formation for most of the time until we went to the water and spread out, then piled to then run to the forest. Tactics weren’t the best they could have been but that’s fine. Formation wasn’t as spread out as it could of been but no worries! Alright without further ado, check these pictures out.

Max of 14

Max of 14




Thanks for reading and comment if you came!

4 Responses

  1. Nice work in posting Elsa, looks like a good event.

  2. I attended

  3. I came

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