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New CP – New Accounts: CONFIRMED!! @ClubPenguin @KingBoo8884

Hey guys!

As most of you know by now, by yesterday’s confusion. Where people didn’t know weather Club Penguin’s current CEO, Spike Hike, meant people would keep their items when the original CP shuts down, and the new Club Penguin opens up. Or if everyone who plays Club Penguin would have to restart all over.

It is now CONFIRMED everyone will have to start all over, in getting items, coins, stamps, etc. Here is a picture provided by @KingBoo8884

Again it is now CONFIRMED players will have to start all over once the original Club Penguin shuts down, and the new Club Penguin opens up.

Make sure to keep checking in for more Club Penguin updates, news and more. Thanks for reading!

Waddle on,


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