ACP’s 10th Anniversary : Ten Years of Leaders #2 Fort57


Greetings, ACP. In the last post, we went over Oagalthorp who appointed Fort57 as the second leader of the Army of Club Penguin after he retired. Fort57 led from the 1st of April 2008 to 10th August 2008.

A short story about Fort57

Although this may be weird, the short story about Fort that we’re doing is  about his retirement – as it is quite complicated and weird. On the 30th May 2008, it appears to ACP that their leader, Fort57, has retired and the contender for leader is TomYellow who HeadofPolice thought would get leader. However,  on the 2nd June 2008, Fort returns and TomYellow was never made leader, on the 25th July 2008 ACP team up with Nachos to fight UMA with Fort leading ACP.  This carries on until the 7th of August, when Fort retires for real which leads up to a leadership crisis between Rapidy and Dr Nono Jr. Both of whom were later made the 3rd leader’s of Army of Club Penguin.

Facts about Fort57

  • If you click here you can read an interview made between Fort and Stew which explains how ACP was when Fort was in it.
  •  Fort is on ACP’s Records page as part of the “Most Ever-Lasting BFF Group” which contained Fort, Kg and Toe.
  •  Fort joined Club Penguin in 2006
  • Fort joined Army of Club Penguin in February 2007
  •  Click here for a post made by Fort about his history.

This is a join video that Fort made whilst he was Leader.


When Fort retired on the 7th of August, Rapidy and Dr Nono Jr  were made leaders after arguments between him and Oagal as Fort wanted Dr Nono Jr to be leader whilst Oagal wanted Dr Nono Jr to be leader which we’ll cover in the next post.

Super Edwin

13 Responses

  1. Poor Fort.

  2. You should do this post every week or two, since they’re a lot of acp leaders to cover up

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