June Promotions 2016

Greetings, ACP.

During this , rather interesting, month we’ve come 3rd on CPAC, gone a month under this new leadership and have witnessed more owner changes – overall we’ve seen the dedication and loyalty of some of the troops over this past month and they have as a result received promotion. Carry on reading to see if you’ve been promoted!

Bold: Promoted

Italicized: Demoted

US-O10 insignia.svgGeneralUS-O10 insignia.svg

Super Edwin | King Mondo

– Leader in Training –


US-O9 insignia.svg Lieutenant GeneralUS-O9 insignia.svg

 Djkb1 | Noka8, | Clubxlcboys

US-O8 insignia.svgMajor GeneralUS-O8 insignia.svg

LionzluverDan  | Lord Jai

US-O7 insignia.svgBrigadier GeneralUS-O7 insignia.svg

Katty, Crazy tow, Aimee Meow,  Elsa

US-O6 insignia.svgColonelUS-O6 insignia.svg

Skipper233, Bullet, Lenco, Atticus, Diezlbudoy

US-O5 insignia.svgLieutenant Colonel US-O5 insignia.svg

Rockety, Percy Jacks2, Sonic,Capn Kitty,  Shahee vita,  Army Agent,

US-O4 insignia.svgMajorUS-O4 insignia.svg

Sir Dogeth, Chuck Falay, Rosetta1d1

US-O3 insignia.svg Captain US-O3 insignia.svg

Snyper/Picard, Singasking , Don On Ice, Boba Scot

US-O2 insignia.svg Lieutenant US-O2 insignia.svg

Warrant Officer


Army-USA-OR-09c.svgSergeant Major Army-USA-OR-09c.svg

First Sergeant


Master Sergeant 

Army-USA-OR-07.svg Sergeant First Class Army-USA-OR-07.svg

Army-USA-OR-06.svg Staff Sergeant Army-USA-OR-06.svg

Fenc Guard

Army-USA-OR-05.svg Sergeant Army-USA-OR-05.svg

P217383019, Queen Copper

Army-USA-OR-04a.svg Corporal Army-USA-OR-04a.svg

Private First Class



 Nevara000, Dmmeldm, Jedi trist1, winxethan, Loppl


Army-USA-OR-02.svg Private Army-USA-OR-02.svg

Lewis, Cheesecan326

⌈ ♣ ⌋  ⌈ ♣ ⌋  ⌈ ♣ ⌋

To those of you who received a promotion this month, congratulations! To those of you who didn’t, make sure you’re staying active and attending events. Don’t be discouraged!

If you did not get a promotion, but think you deserved one, comment on this post explaining why YOU think you should have been given a promotion.

~The ACP Commandants

7 Responses

  1. Congratulations to those who got promotion

  2. congrats

  3. Holy Frig I was worried that so was removed because I couldn’t don’t my rank not in a million years did I think I would be an actual not just like that.

  4. I am promoted from specialist to major?! amazing!!!! 😀 http://prntscr.com/bnsond

  5. I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!! FROM SPECIALIST I AM MAJOR?! WOW! AMAZING! http://prntscr.com/bnsond


  7. wew i wanted to make diezl 4ic 🙁

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