May Promotions 2016

Important Posts to Read:


Well, I must say, It’s been quite a month hasn’t it? Owners came and went, as well as a new leadership inaugurated. At one point, we reached 2nd place on the Top Ten! Let this post mark the end of the month of May, and lets ring in the first month of the Summer season of 2016!

Bold: Promoted

Italicized: Demoted

US-O10 insignia.svgGeneralUS-O10 insignia.svg

Super Edwin | King Mondo

– Leader in Training –

Panda | Fluffyboy3

US-O9 insignia.svg Lieutenant GeneralUS-O9 insignia.svg

Noka8| Djkb1

US-O8 insignia.svgMajor GeneralUS-O8 insignia.svg

Lionzluver | Clubxlcboys | Adden

US-O7 insignia.svgBrigadier GeneralUS-O7 insignia.svg

Verum, Aimee, Lord-Jai

US-O6 insignia.svgColonelUS-O6 insignia.svg

  Lord Sam, Miyls, Mega Empire

US-O5 insignia.svgLieutenant Colonel US-O5 insignia.svg

Sonic, Army Agent

US-O4 insignia.svgMajorUS-O4 insignia.svg

 Sparkydog, Vision, Shazam77014The Ronan, Rarity180

US-O3 insignia.svg Captain US-O3 insignia.svg

Maci, Fizz007/Tiny Finn, Splash148, Rekook, Snow/Finald wins, Matthew4901 Bullet/Lolliepop117, Hulk Hogan23, JuliaRPF,adam11086,Coolskate5

US-O2 insignia.svg Lieutenant US-O2 insignia.svg

Mako MakoRocky24568, Athul, Pandarox123

Warrant Officer

 Super Chanel, Studio57 stonecold 42, Oliviaholt14

Army-USA-OR-09c.svgSergeant Major Army-USA-OR-09c.svg

Spartan, Metro11, Haru RM

First Sergeant

Diezlbudoy, Finland Wins, Lafonpie, Ironslime12, Powerdude3,bell48200 Moki101, Arine20

Master Sergeant

Mickey/Michalay, The Cool Guy, john12566, Chuck Falay

Army-USA-OR-07.svg Sergeant First Class Army-USA-OR-07.svg

Cam Newton74,

Army-USA-OR-06.svg Staff Sergeant Army-USA-OR-06.svg

Bcguy33, TheInfinitiv,  Jimmy Square, Jathalzaar, Mahi garrix Penguin2431

Army-USA-OR-05.svg Sergeant Army-USA-OR-05.svg

Ryakylkri, Peeps80,  ACP (Clover) SPC Yes01, Starbits/Xiaobao123, Squink, Atina123, Rackles3

Army-USA-OR-04a.svg Corporal Army-USA-OR-04a.svg

Agentgreen, Avi Lavellan, Vale898, Abbigail3000, Leddyeddy13, spartan,Labradol,Faze Pengooo,Murphy15, Javi724,   Craft Home, Em 0505,Twilightmarl PEN10005,

Private First Class

Reno22, No No Junior, Dan, Koodie, Oranges Peel, Gia Elizi, Dogdog2192, zohayr, Clovezooz, Jayabom, cjdum1


bigbome1, Moose Man,Yes01, Haydenghunt, renzcel2003, Blaine, Kenneth1000, Sirchubs, Rosetta1d1, firechef,  Nevara000, Robert Hargrove, spycatdog, Lil Peng123, polina396, Brately1235, Luke1212, Chipsndip1, monkeydale,Princess4321  Owen60128, , popastefanut, Garfield143, Xxsansxx, Rarity180, Ronaldo180, Toots07, myajcpps, Mary, kany3w3st

Army-USA-OR-02.svg Private Army-USA-OR-02.svg

arvm,partyboy569,skye122, 11smiggle11, harrisonpro  Marley, Supper Shady,Matthyou, Bennster778, Kenz112,dillpickler, fruitjuice18, Pengoalas, matthyou, kellster124, TigerLilly3, Sarah8947, Jamesy87,jdake1, justin89205, Chungpoww79, Almadely,  Kooma2, EnemyAce03 ,atticus, leahthebest1, A9J19, zabi01, Dragonh6, Manning6674,cutesilly120,  Mrshiver1, EleniMarsh, tommybied, esther2100, Dback Man,  Chinaempire, Veevee1235,Bunnyk2006,crzyjjman, Kitten1774, Kagome Toru, useridont123, Tommy, tessiegym, lizzieheartc, 2your2, maxi y, Lealea431, Jake, santi, Dmmeldm, Lightning537, Ruby1354, Thesplat, Llamalover41, Deimantas11, slab52, mazda78, martyparty77, Tommybowe123,  popastefanut,mal4o2, dashoodash, samana raza1

⌈  ⌋  ⌈  ⌋  

To those of you who received a promotion this month, congratulations! To those of you who didn’t, make sure you’re staying active and attending events. Don’t be discouraged!

If you did not get a promotion, but think you deserved one, comment on this post explaining why YOU think you should have been given a promotion.

~The ACP Administration

2 Responses

  1. Congratulations to those who got promoted

  2. Great! Thanks Edwin!

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