USA Event on Breeze


Today ACP logged on for an event shortly after seeing our chat had a whopping size of 30 users! We maxed about 21 and averaged 19-20. We had a lot of hype later as the event started up, especially at the last tactic. There were a lot of tactics led at this event, most of which resulted pretty well.

The organization exhibited was great to see, after having a busy week of state testing for many, as well as owners on leave. It wasn’t easy, but we made it. And now we celebrate-for I tell you, my comrades, the time of “April’s showers” is over, and we welcome the new month of May.

Great job today everyone. Credit for the pictures goes to Cody! Read on to view them.


One of the best tactics at the event. Impressive.


Keep up the effort. School is almost complete and with that, we can welcome another summer season.

~๖̶̶̶ۣۜᏦᏐᏁᎶ ๖̶̶̶ۣۜᎷᎾᏁᎠᏫ

3 Responses

  1. I came.

  2. I was there, do I get a promo?

  3. i came

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