The war with Nachos is back on. I will not accept any less than a win at every battle. Everybody has to focus and be prepared. Show the Nachos who’s the best army. We’ve been preparing for this for a long while now, we will come out victorious after every battle. Everybody needs to be doing their fair share to make sure the army comes out with the win. I can’t attend every event because I’m busy, I need everybody to be at AUSIA, UK, and USA.
This is where you show your loyalty and strength
Let’s do it ACP
Clover Power
Bring it on, kid.
ACP Leader
Filed under: ACP |
No offense to the Nachos, you were a giant that could rival armies like ACP and UMA in the old days, but at the moment you are not a power that can rival ACP. This war is pointless; if it were a simple matter of one leader insulting another, why not deal strictly with the persons involved instead of fighting an entire army? It’s a certain loss for the Nachos here.
yeah, I agree with Tami. But, I guess battles help event sizes, so it isn’t pointless. Anyway, I will be there, and will hopefully be able to make every US, and a few UK events on the weekend. Good luck to both sides, but GO ACP!