One last time

First of all…

I’ve decided to move on from club penguin armies but first, it’s time to make AUSIA what it was back in Sidie’s leadership. Some temps example, Panda/Kami and Clubxlcboys will be made Temporary owner till this project is completed. Army agent is granted Permanent moderator to help the divison for it’s needs. I’d like Bam to approve all of these promos and get ready for the new developed AUSIA.

Let’s do this.

7 Responses

  1. Sounds good. Hope Ausia can maintain a new revamped era even after you retire.

  2. sees post

  3. closes tab

  4. screams

  5. Wait a second…. Is Ryan retiring?! :O

  6. Hi everyone,hardly anyone might remember me now.and I’m sorry to be misusing the comment section.I can’t go the the chat considering my computer broke and I miss ACP SO MUCH!!!! I’m Daisy from AUSIA.kinda retired long ago..I missed this place and thought MAYBE someone recognizes me?…..

  7. Daisy I remember you and I am having trouble getting on ACP chat too but for another reason which is that I can’t sign in and I can’t register! 🙁 … But it’s nice to see that you haven’t forgot us and to see you!

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