ACP Musical Theme Contest Voting

A star shines upon the hour of our meeting,

(Yes that is Tolkien)

It has been nearly two weeks since I last posted the first episode of the ACP Musical Theme Contest. I again apologize for the lateness of the arrival of this post, and I do not wish to give you all excuses and lay the blame solely on myself. However, It’s time for the voting. We’ve had a large number of submissions on my last post and now, the ACP community shall vote on which entry fits the prompt best.

It’s time for the

ACP Musical Theme Contest

~Hosted by Tamiyami~

Let’s look at what I’ve received from all of you:

  1. Most Epic Music Of All Times – Madder Sky | Link:
  2. Wavin’ flag | Link:
  3. War Ensemble | Link:
  4. Star Wars Throne Room Theme | Link:
  5. Cardfight Vanguard Opening 11 | Link:
  6. Thousandfold | Link:
  7. Jigoku Shoujo Rock | Link:
  8. For Those About to Rock | Link:
Thank you all for your great selections! We’ve had quite a number of them. And now, YOU shall vote on which theme works best for this week’s prompt: “What song/soundtrack best fits ACP’s capital server Breeze?”
To choose which one you like the most for the prompt, simply comment your name and the number of the submission. For example:
Name: Tamiyami
Song I think best fits the prompt: 4
And that’s it! You’ll have a week to decide on your favorite ones. 
You have until January 15.
Good Luck.

10 Responses

  1. Name: Kenz112
    Song : 4

    Star wars soundtracks are the best.

  2. K’NAAN – Wavin’ Flag (Coca-Cola Celebration Mix)!! Totally!!

  3. Blazer
    Coyote kisses six shooter

  4. Name:Peeps80
    Song I think best fits the prompt: 4

  5. Name: Kittymew
    Song: 2

  6. name: Fluffy
    song: jumpman by drake

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